Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

(Ca’nan) (low, flat).
•The fourth son of Ham, (Genesis 10:6; 1 Chronicles 1:8) the progenitor of the Phoenicians [Zidon,
Or Sidon], and of the various nations who before the Israelite conquest people the seacoast of
Palestine, and generally the while of the country westward of the Jordan. (Genesis 10:13; 1
Chronicles 1:13) (B.C. 2347.)
•The name “Canaan” is sometimes employed for the country itself.
Canaan, The Land Of
(lit. lowland), a name denoting the country west of the Jordan and the Dead Sea, and between
those waters and the Mediterranean; given by God to Abraham’s posterity, the children of Israel.
(Exodus 6:4; Leviticus 25:38) [Palestina And Palestine]
Canaanite, The
the designation of the apostle Simon, otherwise known as “Simon Zelotes.” It occurs in (Matthew
10:4; Mark 3:18) and is derived from a Chaldee or Syriac word by which the Jewish sect or faction
of the “Zealots” was designated—a turbulent and seditious sect, especially conspicuous at the siege
of Jerusalem. They taught that all foreign rule over Jews was unscriptural, and opposed that rule
in every way.
Canaanites, The
a word used in two senses:
•A tribe which inhabited a particular locality of the land west of the Jordan before the conquest;
•The people who inhabited generally the whole of that country.
•In (Genesis 10:18-20) the seats of the Canaanite tribe are given as on the seashore and in the Jordan
valley; comp. (Joshua 11:3)
•Applied as a general name to the non-Israelite inhabitants of the land, as we have already seen
was the case with “Canaan.” Instances of this are, (Genesis 12:6; Numbers 21:3) The Canaanites
were descendants of Canaan. Their language was very similar to the Hebrew. The Canaanites were
probably given to commerce; and thus the name became probably in later times an occasional
synonym for a merchant.
(Matthew 10:4) Used in the Revised Version in place of “Canaanite.” [See Canaanite, The]
Candace, Or Candace
(prince of servants), a queen of Ethiopia (Meroe), mentioned (Acts 8:27) (A.D. 38.) The name
was not a proper name of an individual, but that of a dynasty of Ethiopian queens.
in (Matthew 5:15; Mark 4:21) is merely a lamp-stand, made in various forms, to hold up the
simple Oriental hand-lamps.
which Moses was commanded to make for the tabernacle, is described (Exodus 25:31-37;
37:17-24) It was not strictly a “candlestick,” as it held seven richly-adorned lamps. With its various
appurtenances it required a talent of “pure gold;” and it was not moulded, but “of beaten work,”
and has been estimated to have been worth in our money over,000. From the Arch of Titus, where
the sculptured the spoils taken from Jerusalem, we learn that it consisted of a central stem, with six
branches, three on each side. It was about five feet high. [See Arch Of Titus OF TITUS] The
candlestick was placed on the south side of the first apartment of the tabernacle, opposite the table

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