Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

most able advocate The Rabbinical chronology accept the biblical numbers, but makes the most
arbitrary corrections. For the date of the Exodus it has been virtually accepted by Bunsen, Lepsius
and Lord A. Hervey. The numbers given by the LXX. for the antediluvian patriarchs would place
the creation of Adam 2262 years before the end of the flood or B.C. cir. 5361 or 5421.
occurs only in (Revelation 21:20) The true chrysoprase is sometimes found in antique Egyptian
jewelry set alternately with bits of lapis-lazuli. It is problem therefore, that this is the stone named
as the tenth in the walls of the heavenly Jerusalem.
one of the precious stones in the foundation of the heavenly Jerusalem. (Revelation 21:20) It
has been already stated [Beryl] that the chrysolite of the ancients is identical with the modern
oriental topaz the tarhish of the Hebrew Bible.
Latin form of CHRYSOPRAS.
the name of a people in alliance with Egypt in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, (Ezekiel 30:5) and
probably of northern Africa.
(1 Chronicles 18:8) called Berothai in (2 Samuel 8:8)
The derivation of the word is generally said to be from the Greek kuriakon (kuriakon) “belonging
to the Lord.” But the derivation has been too hastily assumed. It is probably connected with kirk,

the Latin circus, circulus, the Greek kuklos (kuklos) because the congregations were gathered in
•Ecclesia (ekklesia) the Greek word for church, originally meant an assembly called out by the
magistrate, or by legitimate authority. It was in this last sense that the word was adapted and
applied by the writers of the New Testament to the Christian congregation. In the one Gospel of
St. Matthew the church is spoken of no less than thirty-six times as “the kingdom.” Other
descriptions or titles are hardly found in the evangelists. It is Christ’s household, (Matthew 10:25)
the salt and light of the world, (Matthew 5:13,15) Christ’s flock, (Matthew 26:31; John 10:15) its
members are the branches growing on Christ the Vine, John 15; but the general description of it,
not metaphorical but direct, is that it is a kingdom, (Matthew 16:19) From the Gospel then we
learn that Christ was about to establish his heavenly kingdom on earth, which was to be the
substitute for the Jewish Church and kingdom, now doomed to destruction (Matthew 21:43) The
day of Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian church. Before they had been individual followers
Jesus; now they became his mystical body, animated by his spirit. On the evening of the day of
Pentecost, the 3140 members of which the Church consisted were— (1) Apostles; (2) previous
Disciples; (3) Converts. In (Acts 2:41) we have indirectly exhibited the essential conditions of
church communion. They are (1) Baptism, baptism implying on the part of the recipient repentance
and faith; (2) Apostolic Doctrine; (3) Fellowship with the Apostles; (4) The Lord’s Supper; (5)
Public Worship. The real Church consists of all who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ as his disciples,
and are one in love, in character, in hope, in Christ as the head of all, though as the body of Christ
it consists of many parts.

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