Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

patched. (Joshua 9:5)
(nidus), a city of great consequence, situated at the extreme south west of the peninsula of Asia
Minor, on a promontory now called Cape Crio, which projects between the islands of Cos and
Rhodes. See (Acts 21:1) It is now in ruins.
The first and most frequent use of the word rendered coal is a live ember, burning fuel. (Proverbs
26:21) In (2 Samuel 22:9,13) “coals of fire” are put metaphorically for the lightnings proceeding
from God. (Psalms 18:8,12,13; 140:10) In (Proverbs 26:21) fuel not yet lighted is clearly signified.
The fuel meant in the above passage is probably charcoal, and not coal in our sense of the word.
border, with no more reference to lands bordering on the sea than to any other bordering lands.
(Matthew 26:34; Mark 13:35; 14:30) etc. The domestic cock and hen were early known to the
ancient Greeks and Romans, and as no mention is made in the Old Testament of these birds, and
no figures of them occur on the Egyptian monuments, they probably came into Judea with the
Romans, who, as is well known, prized these birds both as articles of food and for cock-fighting.
probably signifies bad weeds or fruit. (Job 31:40)
(hollow Syria), the remarkable valley or hollow which intervenes between Libanus and
Anti-Libanus, stretching a distance of nearly a hundred miles. The only mention of the region as a
separate tract of country which the Jewish Scriptures contain is probably that in (Amos 1:5) where
“the inhabitants of the plain of Aven” are threatened in conjunction with those of Damascus. The
word is given in the Authorized Version as CELO-SYRIA.
(argaz), a movable box hanging from the side of a cart. (1 Samuel 6:8,11,15) The word is found
nowhere else.
[Burial, Sepulchres]
(all-seeing), a man of the tribe of Judah in the time of Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 3:15; 11:5) (B.C.
For the proper sense of this term, as it occurs in (Judges 8:26) see Earrings.
College, The
In (2 Kings 22:14) it is probable that the word translated “college” represents here not an
institution of learning, but that part of Jerusalem known as the “lower city” or suburb, built on the
hill Akra, including the Bezetha or new city.

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