Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

(possessor), eleventh king of Judah, son of Jotham, reigned 741-726, about sixteen years. At
the time of his accession, Rezin king of Damascus and Pekah king of Israel had recently formed a
league against Judah, and they proceeded to lay siege to Jerusalem. Upon this Isaiah hastened to
give advice and encouragement to Ahaz, and the allies failed in their attack on Jerusalem. Isai 7,8,9.
But, the allies inflicted a most severe injury on Judah by the capture of Elath, a flourishing port on
the Red Sea, while the Philistines invaded the west and south. 2Kin 16; 2Chr 28. Ahaz, having
forfeited God’s favor by his wickedness, sought deliverance from these numerous troubles by
appealing to Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, who forced him from his most formidable enemies.
But Ahaz had to purchase this help at a costly price; he became tributary to Tiglath-pileser. He was
weak, a gross idolater, and sought safety in heathen ceremonies, making his son pass through the
fire to Molech, consulting wizards and necromancers. (Isaiah 8:19) and other idolatrous practices.
(2 Kings 23:12) His only service of permanent value was the introduction of the sun-dial. He died
at the age of 36, but was refused a burial with the kings his ancestors. (2 Chronicles 28:27)
•Son of Micah. (1 Chronicles 8:35,36; 9:42)
(sustained by the Lord).
•Son of Ahab and Jezebel eighth king of Israel, reigned B.C. 896-895. After the battle of Ramoth
in Gilead, in which Ahab perished [Ahab], the vassal king of Moab refused his yearly tribute;
comp. (Isaiah 16:1) Before Ahaziah could take measures for enforcing his claim, he was seriously
injured by a fall through a lattice in his palace at Samaria. Being an idolater, he sent to inquire of
the oracle of Baalzebub in the Philistine city of Ekron whether he should recover his health. But
Elijah, who now for the last time exercised the prophetic office, rebuked him for this impiety, and
announced to him his approaching death. The only other recorded transaction of his reign, his
endeavor to join the king of Judah in trading to Ophir, is related under Jehoshaphat. (1 Kings
22:49-53; 2 Kings 1:1; 2 Chronicles 20:35-37)
•Fifth king of Judah, son of Jehoram and Athaliah (daughter of Ahab), and therefore nephew of
the preceding Ahaziah, reigned one year, B.C. 884. He is Galled Azariah, (2 Chronicles 22:2)
probably by a copyist’s error, and Jehoahaz. (2 Chronicles 21:17) He was 22 years old at his
accession. (2 Kings 8:26) (his age 42, in (2 Chronicles 22:2) Isa a copyist’s error). Ahaziah was
an idolater, and he allied himself with his uncle Jehoram king of Israel against Hazael, the new
king of Syria. the two kings were, however defeated at Ramoth, where Jehoram was severely
wounded. The revolution carried out in Israel by Jehu under the guidance of Elisha broke out while
Ahaziah was visiting his uncle at Jezreel. As Jehu approached the town, Jehoram and Ahaziah
went out to meet him; the former was shot through the heart by Jehu, and Ahaziah was pursued
and mortally wounded. He died when he reached Megiddo.
(brother of the wise, discreet), son of Abishur by his wife Abihail. (1 Chronicles 2:29) He was
of the tribe of Judah.
(following), ancestor of Hushim a Benjamite. The name occurs in the genealogy of Benjamin.
(1 Chronicles 7:12) It is not improbable that Aher and Ahiram, (Numbers 26:38) are the same.
(a brother).

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