Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Frankie) #1

9:4) etc., and in the instances of civic strife mentioned (Judges 11:12) and Judg 20:12 Ambassadors
are found to have been employed not only on occasions of hostile challenge or insolent menace,
(1 Kings 20:2,6; 2 Kings 14:8) but of friendly compliment, of request for alliance or other aid, of
submissive deprecation and of curious inquiry. (2 Kings 14:8; 16:7; 18:14; 2 Chronicles 32:31)
Ministers are called ambassadors of Christ.
embassy, a message of a public nature brought by ambassadors. The word also sometimes
includes the ambassadors themselves. (Luke 14:32)
(Heb. chasmal) occurs only in (Ezekiel 1:4,27; 8:2) It is usually supposed that the Hebrew word
chasmal (denotes a metal) and not the fossil resin called amber.
literally “true” and used as a substantive, “that which is true,” “truth,” (Isaiah 65:16) a word
used in strong asseverations, fixing, as it were, the stamp of truth upon the assertion which it
accompanied, and making it binding as an oath. Comp. (Numbers 5:22) In the synagogues and
private houses it was customary for the people or members of the family who were present to say
“amen” to the prayers which were offered. (Matthew 6:13; 1 Corinthians 14:16) And not only
public prayers, but those offered in private, and doxologies, were appropriately concluded with
“amen.” (Romans 9:5; 11:36; 15:33; 16:27; 2 Corinthians 13:14) etc.
(Heb. achlamah) a subspecies of quartz of a bluish-violet color. Mention is made of this precious
stone, which formed the third in the third row of the high priestly breastplate, in (Exodus 28:19;
39:12) It occurs also in (Revelation 21:20)
(builder), one of Solomon’s servants, (Ezra 2:57) called Amon, Or Amen, Amon in (Nehemiah
(true), father of the prophet Jonah. (2 Kings 14:25; Jonah 1:1)
(head), The hill of, A hill facing Giah by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon, named as the
point to which Joab pursued Abner (2 Samuel 2:24)
i.e., as explained in the margin of the Authorized Version, my people. (Hosea 2:1)
(people of God).
•The spy from the tribe of Dan. (Numbers 13:12) (B.C. 1490.) He perished by the plague for his
evil report.
•Father of Machir of Lo-debar. (2 Samuel 9:4; 17:27)
•Father of Bath-sheba, (1 Chronicles 3:5) called Eliam in (2 Samuel 11:3)
•The sixth son of Obed-edom, (1 Chronicles 26:5) and one of the doorkeepers of the temple. (B.C.
(people of praise).

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