MySQL for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 5 ■ MySQL priMer

The license shown is the GPLv2 license for the community edition. Once you have read the license^5 and
agree, select the “I accept the license terms” checkbox and click Next.
The next panel displays the setup or installation type. Most will choose the developer option because
it installs all the MySQL components and applications and sets the defaults for running MySQL on the local
machine. You can choose a different option and read more about each in the text to the right. Figure 5-4
shows the setup type panel. Once you make a selection, click Next.

The next panel will check for any required components. For example, if you are installing on a machine
that does not include Python or Visual Studio, you will get a warning, as shown in Figure 5-5. To proceed,
you must resolve each of the issues. That is, the buttons will not be available until the requirement is
resolved. Once you have them resolved, click Next.

Figure 5-4. Setup type

(^5) You do read these, don’t you?

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