MySQL for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1
ChApTEr 2 ■ hArdwArE for IoT SoluTIonS

battery-powered (or solar-powered) sensor nodes. You can also instruct the XBee module to monitor its data
pins and transmit the data read to another XBee module. Aha! So, you can use XBee modules to link a sensor
node to a data-aggregator node.
Although the XBee can be used to read sensor data, its limited processing power may mean it isn’t
suitable for all sensor nodes. For example, sensors that require algorithms to interpret or extrapolate
meaningful data may not be suited for using an XBee alone. You may need to use a microcontroller or
computer to perform the additional calculations.

■Tip I include a more complete explanation of XBee modules in my book Beginning Sensor Networks

with Arduino and Raspberry Pi (Apress, 2013). If you want to know more about the XBee hardware and

specifications, see Chapter 2 in that book.

Several XBee modules are available. There are normal models and Pro models with more power and
capabilities. There is also a wide variety of antenna options from onboard chip antennas to wire whip antennas
to remote antenna connections. Figure 2-24 shows several of the XBee modules I use on a regular basis.

Figure 2-24. XBee modules and various host boards

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