MySQL for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1
ChApTEr 2 ■ hArdwArE for IoT SoluTIonS

Intel Galileo Gen 2

The Intel Galileo Gen 2 is based on the Intel Quark SoC X1000 application processor, which is a 32-bit CPU
based on the venerable Intel Pentium CPU packaged as a SoC. It also has Arduino headers for use with
Arduino Uno R3 shields (3.3V and some 5V shields).
Perhaps its most interesting feature is that since the CPU is an Intel chip, the board can run several
operating systems (but not simultaneously) such as the new Windows 10 IOT Core^10 and most Linux
variants. It comes with Yocto Linux ( bootable from onboard memory but can
be upgraded easily.

■Note Yocto linux does not currently support as wide an array of software tools as the ubuntu on the

pcduino. however, more packages are being added to Yocto, so chances are if you cannot find the package on

Yocto you’re looking for, it may be added soon.

The board has a lot of features such as USB, Ethernet, an RTC, MicroSD (used for running the operating
system but unlike the pcDuino3B has a limited onboard bootable operating system), 8MB flash memory,
and a mini-PCI Express slot, which promises expansion unlike any other board (but yet to be realized in the
mainstream). Figure 2-26 shows the Intel Galileo Gen 2 board.

Figure 2-26. Intel Galileo Gen 2

(^10) At this time, the Windows 10 IOT kit has not been officially released, but beta versions have proven interesting and

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