Poetry of Physics and the Physics of Poetry

(vip2019) #1

106 The Poetry of Physics and The Physics of Poetry

as a result of electric induction, then creates an oscillating electric
field, which, in turn, induces an oscillating magnetic field, which, in
turn, induces an oscillating electric field and so on and so forth. In
this way, an electromagnetic wave propagates through empty space at
the velocity of light, denoted by c, which is 300,000 kilometers per
second (186,000 miles per second) or 3 × 10^8 meters per second.
The production of electromagnetic radiation can be achieved by
causing a charged particle to oscillate back and forth since this causes the
electric field associated with the charged particle to also oscillate. This is
precisely how radio waves, another form of electromagnetic radiation,
are produced in radio antennas. A current of electrons is made to
oscillate up and down in the antenna at a given frequency in order to
broadcast radio waves.
The absorption of electromagnetic radiation occurs as a result of
charged particles interacting with the oscillating electric and magnetic
fields of the electromagnetic radiation. For example, the eye detects
visible light when the electrons in the retina become activated by the
electric and magnetic fields of the light ray.
Electromagnetic radiation comes in a variety of different forms
such as microwaves, radio waves, infrared (heat) radiation, visible light,
ultra-violet radiation, x-rays and gamma rays. All of these forms of
electromagnetic radiation are identical in the sense that they are
oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which all propagate at the
velocity of light. They differ only in that each one represents a different
range of frequencies and hence, wavelengths. The frequency, f, of a
wave is the number of times per second that the electric and magnetic
fields oscillate back and forth. It is inversely proportional to the period,
T, of the wave defined as the time for one complete oscillation. The
wavelength, λ, is the distance between successive maximums of the field
as shown in Fig. 12.1 below and is proportional to the period and
inversely proportional to the frequency. The wavelength, λ = cT = c/f.
A list of the frequency and wavelength of the various forms of
electromagnetic radiation is given in the accompanying table.

102 The Poetry of Physics and The Physics of Poetry

result of electric induction, then creates an oscillating electric field,
which, in turn, induces an oscillating magnetic field, which, in turn,
induces an oscillating electric field and so on and so forth. In this way, an
electromagnetic wave propagates through empty space at the velocity of
light, denoted by c, which is 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000
miles per second) or 3 x 10^8 meters per second.
The production of electromagnetic radiation can be ach ieved by
causing a charged particle to oscillate back and forth since this causes the
electric field associated with the charged particle to also oscillate. This is
precisely how radio waves, another form of electromagnetic radiation,
are produced in radio antennas. A current of electrons is made to
oscillate up and down in the antenna at a given frequency in order to
broadcast radio waves.
The absorption of electromagnetic radiation occurs as a result of
charged particles interacting with the oscillating electric and magnetic
fields of the electromagnetic radiation. For example, the eye detects
visible light when the electrons in the retina become activated by the
electric and magnetic fields of the light ray.
Electromagnetic radiation comes in a variety of different forms such
as microwaves, radio waves, infrared (heat) radiation, visible light, ultra-
violet radiation, X rays and gamma rays. All of these forms of
electromagnetic radiation are identical in the sense that they are
oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which all propagate at the
velocity of light. They differ only in that each one represents a different
range of frequencies and hence, wavelengths. The frequency, f, of a
wave is the number of times per second that the electric and magnetic
fields oscillate back and forth. It is inversely proportional to the period,
T, of the wave defined as the time for one complete oscillation. The
wavelength, !, is the distance between successive maximums of the field
as shown in the figure 12.1 below and is proportional to the period and
inversely proportional to the frequency. The wavelength,! = cT = c/f. A
list of the frequency and wavelength of the various forms of
electromagnetic radiation is given in the accompanying table.

Fig. 12.1
Fig. 12.1
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