Poetry of Physics and the Physics of Poetry

(vip2019) #1
Classroom Discussions, Activities and Assignments 327

Is there a conflict between religion and science?

Is the Big Bang Theory consistent with one of the opening lines of the
Bible: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light (Genesis 1:3)
or is this just a coincidence?

If are universe is contained in a multiverse as briefly described at the end
of Chapter 25 what are the implications for religion and the notion that
God created the universe.

Is scientific truth any more valid than other forms of truth such a
mathematical truth?

Does science explain nature or merely describe it? Is there any
connection between science and morality?

  1. Analyze a piece of literature or a work of art for its scientific content
    or its use of metaphors from science.

Examples: Analyze a poet’s use of science metaphor or compare two
poets’ or a group of poets’ use of metaphor such as Donne, Shakespeare,
Blake, Goethe, Frost and T.S. Eliot.

Do science fiction writers prepare us for the future or are they writing
pure fantasy?

What is the connection between science and the Futurists painters?
Discuss my friend the late Leonard Shlain’s (1993) book Art and
Physics: in which he explores the hypothesis that art influenced the
development of science.

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