Poetry of Physics and the Physics of Poetry

(vip2019) #1


Chapter 1 To My Readers 1

Chapter 2 The Origin of Physics 5

Chapter 3 Ancient Science of Mesopotamia, Egypt and China 11

Chapter 4 Physics of the Ancient Greek Era 23

Chapter 5 The Roots of the Scientific Revolution 37

Chapter 6 Mechanics, Planetary Motion and the Modern 45
Science Revolution

Chapter 7 Poetry Influenced by the Scientific Revolution 67

Chapter 8 The Concept of the Atom, the Atomic Structure 77
of Matter and the Origin of Chemistry

Chapter 9 The Concept of Energy 83

Chapter 10 Thermodynamics and the Atomic and Molecular 89
Structure of Matter

Chapter 11 Electricity and Magnetism 97

Chapter 12 Electromagnetic Radiation and Wave Behaviour 105

Chapter 13 Prelude to Relativity 113

Chapter 14 The Special Theory of Relativity 121

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