Poetry of Physics and the Physics of Poetry

(vip2019) #1

viii Contents

Chapter 15 The General Theory of Relativity 139

Chapter 16 Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions and 151
the Impact of the Theory of Relativity

Chapter 17 The Structure of the Atom 157

Chapter 18 The Quantization of Energy 169

Chapter 19 Bohr’s Atom 177

Chapter 20 Wave Mechanics 189

Chapter 21 Philosophical Implications of Quantum 205

Chapter 22 Quantum Electrodynamics 211

Chapter 23 The Nucleus and the Strong Interaction 225

Chapter 24 Elementary Particles, Quarks and Quantum 239

Chapter 25 Cosmology and the Universe: The Big Bang, 255
Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Chapter 26 Clusters, Galaxies, Black Holes and Stars 275

Chapter 27 The Solar System and the Planet Earth 293

Chapter 28 Non-Linear Systems, Chaos, Complexity 317
and Emergence

Chapter 29 Classroom Discussions, Activities and 325

Bibliography 329
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