Typography, Headlines and Infographics

(coco) #1


Chapter Review

Show that you know the meanings of the following key terms by
correctly using them in complete sentences. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.
public relations
media blitz
video news

news release
fact sheet
video news
release (VNR)

media alert
public service

Journalism Online
Chapter Review For additional resources, practice, and assessment,
go to glencoe.com and enter QuickPass code JM7824c21.

  1. The principal has asked your class to produce a three-minute VNR
    about your school to send to local television stations before school
    starts next fall. She knows that the opening of school is always
    news, and she thinks a VNR would be a good way to help out the
    local stations. From a public relations perspective, do you think it’s
    a good idea? Why or why not? What are other options for getting
    information about your school to the media? If you decided to do
    the VNR, what would you include in it? What would you not show?
    Why? What would you recommend to the principal?

  2. A parent has challenged a book taught in a junior English class. The
    school has no policy for handling challenges to the curriculum. The
    principal has promised to “look into” the situation, but the angry par-
    ent has written a letter to the editor of the local newspaper express-
    ing her concern about the content of the book as reading material
    for 16- and 17-year-olds. The school board wants to resolve the
    situation quickly and has asked the teacher to remove the book from
    his class immediately. The teacher has refused. You are the public
    relations director for your school. What options do you have? What
    would you recommend as a course of action for the school? Why?

  3. Your newspaper recently published a front-page story about a stu-
    dent who is living with a foster family. Although removed from her
    home by the court at her own request, the student is undergoing
    counseling with her natural family and hopes to go back home soon.
    She was in favor of the story and gave a good interview for it. She
    even provided photographs of herself with both her families last
    Christmas (which ran on the front page). Your reporter interviewed
    the judge and a lawyer to make sure the story explained the legal

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