Typography, Headlines and Infographics

(coco) #1
Not only are newspapers a
bargain and a convenience, they
can also save the consumer money
through advertising and coupons.

The most obvious reason is the fact that print is a tactile medium. The
stories, photos, art and advertisements can be touched, cut out and referred
to again and again. The print medium has a virtual monopoly on coupons,
a highly valued advertising strategy to attract potential customers.
Another significant advantage of newspaper advertising over radio
advertising has to do with competition. Most people have a number of
choices when tuning in to the radio or television, because many towns
and cities carry several stations. Fewer than 60 U.S. cities, though, have
competing newspapers. That means that most people in a city or town
who read the newspaper read the same newspaper. Thus, newspaper
advertisements reach more local consumers than do radio or TV ads.
This fact translates into more exposure per advertising dollar.
Like radio ads, newspaper ads take little time to create. This time
savings allows advertisers to offer up-to-date information, something
newspaper readers have come to expect from the paper’s advertisements
as well as its news.
Two common forms of print advertising are the classified and the dis-
play ad. The classified ad is an inexpensive, brief advertisement placed
by individuals or businesses, classified by subject, and collected in one
place in the newspaper. Examples might include puppies for sale, now
hiring at the local burger barn, or baseball cards to trade. The display ad,
on the other hand, is an advertisement with photos or images as well as
headlines in large type that appear in various sizes and shapes through-
out the paper.

classified ad
an inexpensive, brief
ad vertisement placed by
individuals or businesses,
classified by subject, and
collected in one place in the

display ad
advertisements with photos
or images as well as head-
lines in large type. These
appear in various sizes and
shapes throughout the paper.

Your Beat

  1. Find print and broadcast commercial examples for
    the same product. Compare and contrast the way the
    message was delivered in each example.

  2. Write and record a radio commercial that sells yourself
    as the student every teacher wants to have in class.
    Use music and sound effects to give the ad color.
    3. Survey 10 people on their favorite and least favorite
    ads. Categorize them into print, radio and TV ads.
    Does there seem to be a favorite medium for these
    memorable ads?


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