Typography, Headlines and Infographics

(coco) #1

how much they earn from their jobs. Also include questions about their
spending habits—on food, clothing, music, movies and entertainment,
for example. Finally, include questions that focus on how and where
they spend their time. Make sure the questions are clear, open-ended
and nonleading (that is, they don’t lead the respondent to a particular
answer). You can compile the data and create a powerful tool to sell
advertising—a detailed account of how students at your school spend
their money and time.

The Sales Kit Once you’ve collected data about the types
and names of local businesses and the spending habits of your student
population, you should put together a sales kit. A sales kit is a package
of information the members of the ad staff take with them when visit-
ing local businesses. It may include an advertising rate sheet (how much
you charge for advertising), a contract (see Figure 17.2), examples of your
publication, the student spending survey, the school’s size and mailing
address, circulation information, and the names of your advertising staff
members. The sales kit not only provides a business with a good deal of
information but also sends the message that you take your publication
and its advertisers seriously. It leaves a positive impression long after
you’ve gone out the door.



and _______________________________________

All advertising will be billed at the rate of $ _________ per column
inch per issue. The Happenings publishes ______ times per year.
Advertisements may be placed in single or multiple issues. Please
indicate below the number of issues in which your ad will appear.
Run this ad _____ times.
Run this ad in the following specific issues: _____________________
Copy for this ad is
___ Attached ___ Should be prepared by The Happenings staff
for approval.
All advertising will be reviewed by the Publications Board before inser-
tion. No known misleading photos or statements will be accepted. All
students appearing in ads must have a model release on file with the
The newspaper reserves the right to refuse any advertising not found
to be within the publication’s standards.
_______________________ ______________________
Advertiser School Representative






BOSTON, 1704—The Boston
News letter was the first Amer-
ican newspaper to carry
The first Newsletter ad
offered a reward for the capture
of a thief and the return of the
stolen goods.
The early ads were similar to
today’s classified ads.
Newspaper advertising soon
became so popular that some
papers gave the entire front
page to it. On Oct. 30, 1760,
the New York Gazette ran 15
ads in three columns to fill the
front page.
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