Typography, Headlines and Infographics

(coco) #1


  1. According to a 2005 study at a Texas university, one out of four
    young women in the United States had an eating disorder. A sur-
    vey of one group of fourth-grade girls revealed that 80 percent
    of them had already been on a diet. Find examples of ads that
    encourage young women to “think thin.” In light of the fact that the
    diet industry spends a fortune each year on advertising, what do
    you think high school journalists should do, if anything?

  2. The editors of Time annually choose what they consider to be the
    year’s best ads. Here is a description of one of their favorites. The
    boy-chases-girl theme has a bearded twentysomething arrive in
    his car as a ferryboat is about to depart. His license plate reads
    OHIO. As he breathlessly runs up to a beautiful young woman
    in Lee jeans, he hands her a necklace. “Excuse me,” he says,
    “you dropped this back there.” She smiles and asks, “Where?” He
    responds, “Nebraska.”
    Have each member of your class nominate one ad that war-
    rants the honor of being named best ad for the current year.

  3. Choose an everyday object or product (for example, a pen, tooth-
    pick, piece of paper or air). Write two print advertisements for it.
    Each ad should be aimed at a different audience (one for teens
    and one for older women, for example). Make sure you include
    each product’s features and benefits, and choose an appropriate
    advertising appeal for each.

  4. Interview or shadow a person who works in advertising. Find out
    how the person selected this career, how he or she prepared for
    it and what the career requires. Prepare a one- or two-page paper
    on your findings, and present it to the class. Also, send a copy of it
    to the person you interviewed.

  5. As a class, come up with a list of local businesses that currently do
    not advertise in your publication but should. Each student should
    choose one of the businesses and create two mock-up or spec ads
    for the business. Be sure to pick appropriate design styles and for-
    mats, as well as good type fonts.

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