Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

Euler: The Mathematics of Musical Sadness 139

But when we calculate the degrees associated with major versus minor triads, in general
and in the most common keys, the major triads are of lower degree (see box 9.1 ). If so,
we should always prefer music with major triads and avoid minor ones, which “ will be
almost painful. ”^18 Yet Euler knows that music contains many minor triads, and he points
out that “ the more easily we observe the order in a given thing, the simpler and more
perfect we consider it, and therefore we receive pleasure and delight from it. On the other
hand, if the order is discerned with difficulty and seems less simple and distinct, we per-
ceive something like sadness [ tristitia ]. In either case, as long as we sense order, the given
object pleases, and we conclude that the object has agreeableness. ”^19 Euler thus connects
the greater “ difficulty ” of minor intervals (and higher-degree “ dissonant ” intervals) with
their perceived affect of sadness. Hence, he explains the sadness of the minor mode (for
instance) as the direct correlate of its epistemological status: what is harder to know is felt
to be sad simply because we struggle to discern its order. In that sense, sadness seems to
be the felt effect of the pain we experience in the face of cognitive dissonance.
Euler interprets this sadness as part of the larger project of the pleasure conveyed by
music, which includes both happiness and sadness. He connects the mathematics of
sadness with the experience of drama: musical harmonies “ are like comedies and tragedies
all of which should be filled with agreeableness. The comedy should fill the spirit with
joy and the tragedy should convey sadness. Thus it is clear that something can please and

Figure 9.2
Euler ’ s table of the first ten degrees of agreeableness of musical intervals.
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