Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

296 Notes to pages 97–114

  1. Descartes 1996 , 1:142; cf. Pirro (1973), who judged Descartes to be “ held back by ignorance of [musical]
    practice, ” uncertain in his musical judgments.

  2. Descartes 1996 , 1:223 – 224.

  3. Descartes 1979 , 1 – 7. Augst (1965, 120) describes the Compendium as giving “ the first in a series of geo-
    metrical models leading to the design of the cosmic machine ” in Le Monde.

  4. Gaukroger 2000 , 1995 , 234 – 237.

  5. Descartes 1996 , 1:270 – 271.

  6. For his later presentation of the arguments against the void, see Descartes 1983 , 46 – 49.

  7. Walker 1978 , 81 – 110, at 102; cf. Pirro 1973 , 100 – 120, which is more critical of Descartes ’ s musical

  8. For Kepler on the infinite universe, see Koyr é 1957, 58 – 87; Harrison 1987, 46 – 49; Heller-Roazen 2011,
    131 – 140.
    7 Mersenne ’ s Universal Harmony

  9. Beaulieu 1995 , 87.

  10. Quoted in Beaulieu 1995 , 25.

  11. For the larger context of the Republic of Letters, see Grafton 1991 and Bots and Waquet 1997. For treatments
    of Mersenne, see Cohen 1984 , 97 – 114, 191 – 201; Gouk 1999 , 170 – 178; Dear 1988. For his role as intelligencer,
    see Grosslight 2013.

  12. Beaulieu 1995 , 173 – 185; for the development of the Acad é mie, see Brown 1967; Cohen 1981, 3 – 5.

  13. Mersenne 1623, question 9, article 1, column 869. See Hine 1973; Lewis 2006, 113 – 140.

  14. Egan 1962 , 63 – 64, 70.

  15. Ibid. , 94.

  16. Ibid., 103.

  17. Ibid. , 105 – 107. Mersenne consistently capitalizes Soleil , which I have followed only when he refers to God.

  18. Quoted in Beaulieu 1995 , 256 – 257.

  19. Egan 1962 , 154.

  20. Ibid. , 202.

  21. For the French reaction to Galileo, see Lewis 2006. In 1634, Mersenne published his own description of
    Galileo ’ s mechanical propositions, Les m é chaniques de Galil é e , and even planned writing a defense of Galileo,
    though he later gave this up.

  22. Beaulieu 1995 , 103 – 104.

  23. On the musicality of sloths, see Clark and Rehding 2001 , 2 – 4.

  24. He cites Psalms 83:8. Mersenne includes a concluding “ Livre de l ’ utilit é de l ’ harmonie ” as a kind of appendix
    to the whole work; see Mersenne 1963 , vol. 3 (following the “ Livre des instrumens de percussion ” ).

  25. Mersenne 1963 , 2:103, 107.

  26. Ibid. , 1:169. Note that he uses French feet (0.325 m = 12.8 in).

  27. Mersenne 1963 , 3:208; Mersenne had read Vincenzo Galilei ’ s experiments relating string pitch to the square
    root of the tension.

  28. Regarding the accuracy of this determination, see Dostrovsky 1975 , 197 – 198.

  29. Mersenne 1963 , 3:251 – 252.

  30. Sauveur 1987 ; Maxham 1976.

  31. Mersenne 1963 , 3:209.

  32. Ibid. , 1:213.

  33. Ibid. , 3:211.

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