Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1
Abbott, Edwin (1838 – 1926), 242
Acoucryptophone. See Enchanted Lyre
Acoustics, 4, 112, 158, 184, 250 – 252, 257,
275 – 277
Adrastus of Aphrodisias (second century C.E.), 17,
Alchemy, 45, 74
Algebra, 3, 55 – 56, 59 – 60, 70, 72, 77, 93, 148 – 149,
Amp è re, Andr é -Marie (1775 – 1836), 178 – 179, 194,
196, 198, 213
Amp è re ’ s law, 196
Å ngstr ö m, Anders Jonas (1814 – 1874), 245, 247 – 248,
250 – 251
Anthropic principle, 282
Apollo, 28 – 34
Arago, Fran ç ois Jean Dominique (1786 – 1853),
177 – 179
Archicembalo, 62 – 63, 65
Archytas (428 – 347 B.C.E.), 9, 14
Aristarchus, 53, 104
Aristides Quintilianus (late third to early fourth
century C.E.), 65
Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C.E.), 21, 35, 40, 58, 95, 123
on cosmology, 14, 22, 27, 45, 90
on music, 18, 25, 38, 66, 114, 116, 285n8
on physics, 31, 44 – 46, 58, 98
on tragedy, 140
Aristoxenus (fl. 335 B.C.E.), 18, 66 – 67, 135
Arithmetic, 1 – 2, 9, 14 – 22, 28 – 35, 47, 56 – 60, 68 – 69,
72, 90 – 92, 144 – 145
Arithmos. See Number
Ars antiqua , 31 – 32
Ars nova , 2, 31 – 33, 288n21
fine, 135
liberal, 19, 135
Artusi, Giovanni Maria (ca. 1540 – 1613), 70, 72
Astrolabe, 90 – 91
Astronomy, 55, 109, 181 – 182, 280. See also

Copernican controversy, 19, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, 40,
46 – 52
and Kepler, 73, 86 – 89
in Oresme, 18 – 29, 33
in quadrivium, 2 – 3, 9, 14, 18, 54
Atomic theory, 3, 5, 98, 119 – 120, 245, 248 – 249,
256, 265, 268, 273, 274
Bohr – Sommerfeld theory, 275 – 276
Augustine (354 – 430 C.E.), 24
Aulos, 66 – 67
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 – 1750), 263, 272,
Bacon, Francis (1561 – 1626), 6, 45, 90, 203, 211,
Balmer, Johann (1825 – 1898), 5, 249 – 255, 266, 275
Balmer formula, 250 – 251
Barker, Andrew, 19
Battery (Voltaic pile), 189, 211
Beat, 92, 111 – 114, 144, 164, 166, 170, 227, 277
Beauty, 29 – 30, 33, 47, 57, 59, 61, 85, 88, 136, 144,
191, 196, 200, 203, 207, 209 – 210, 271,
278 – 280
Beeckman, Isaac (1588 – 1637), 89 – 90, 103, 111
Bells, 12, 118 – 119, 182
Beltrami, Eugenio (1835 – 1899), 237 – 238, 240
Benedetti, G. B. (1530 – 1590), 111
Benjamin, Walter (1892 – 1940), 190
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700 – 1782), 134 – 135
Bernoulli, Johann I (1667 – 1748), 133
Bernoulli, Johann II (1710 – 1790), 133, 152 – 153,
Bessel, Friedrich (1784 – 1846), 251
Billroth, Theodor (1829 – 1894), 257
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774 – 1862), 181, 185, 194
Biot-Savart law, 181, 194
Black body radiation, 5, 263 – 269
Blacksmith shop, myth of, 9 – 13, 60, 117, 282,
286n9, 286n11
Bloch, Felix (1905 – 1983), 273, 275
Bodies, rigid, 237 – 238, 240, 243


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