Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

Index 341

Einstein, Albert (1879 – 1955), 5, 215, 232, 238,
241 – 243, 256, 271 – 273
and Helmholtz, 242 – 243
and history of science, 243
and Riemann, 243
Eitz, Carl (1848 – 1924), 257 – 259, 265, 267 – 268
Electricity, 4, 181 – 196, 205 – 206, 210 – 214, 233, 266
electric conflict, 193
fluid theory of, 182, 196
velocity of, 205 – 206, 210, 214
Electromagnetic chronoscope, 213 – 214
Electromagnetic clock, 214
Electromagnetism, 4, 181, 193 – 198, 207, 213 – 215,
electromagnetic rotation, 197 – 198
Electron, 46, 273, 275 – 278, 281
Electrophorus, 182 – 183
Electro-tonic state, 196, 213
Enchanted Lyre, 200 – 201, 206, 280
Energy, 217, 242 – 243, 263, 265 – 268, 275 – 281
Engineering, 89, 107, 134, 144
differential, 226, 232, 275
Hamilton-Jacobi, 276
Schr ö dinger, 272 – 278
Ergodic hypothesis, 87
Erlangen program, 242
Erlmann, Veit, 6
É taples, Jacques Lef è vre de (ca. 1455 – 1536), 57
Ether, 93, 124, 151 – 152, 155, 172, 179, 214 – 215,
Euclid, 17, 22, 28, 32, 55, 57, 66, 77, 172, 231,
236 – 242
Euler, Leonhard (1707 – 1783), 4, 131 – 160, 162 – 164,
172 – 174, 182, 203, 223, 279, 282
Euler characteristic, 148
Euler ’ s formula, 146 – 148
and Newton, 133 – 134, 151 – 157
number theory, 143 – 145
theory of light, 151 – 158, 247, 276
theory of music, 134 – 142, 158 – 160
topology, 145 – 149
Evans, R. J. W., 74
Experiment, origin of, 9 – 13
accommodation of, 162 – 163, 170, 172
compared to ear, 127, 156, 160, 162 – 163, 172 – 175,
189, 227, 229
physiology of, 162 – 163, 170 – 177, 217 – 222,
228 – 229, 234
Faraday, Michael (1791 – 1867), 4 – 5, 195 – 215, 279
discovery of electromagnetic induction, 207,
212 – 214
field theory of light, 214 – 215
work on sound, 207 – 211
Farina, Carlo (ca. 1600 – 1639), 80

Faust (Goethe), 237
Fermat primes, 143
Feynman, Richard (1918 – 1988), 278
Fifth hammer, problem of, 17, 117
Figured bass, 141 – 142
Fizeau, Hippolyte (1819 – 1896), 206
Fludd, Robert (1574 – 1637), 3, 73, 104 – 108, 285n6
Flute, 13, 108, 134, 162, 200, 206, 298n5
Force, 4, 44, 89, 109, 120, 164, 185, 190 – 191, 193,
233 – 234, 239, 249
lines of, 194, 196, 208 – 215, 277
Foucault, L é on (1819 – 1868), 206
Fraction, 17, 55, 58, 69, 93
continued, 141 – 143
Fraunhofer, Joseph von (1787 – 1826), 244, 246
light, 172, 174, 178, 193, 221 – 222, 265 – 268, 277
resonant, 203, 280 – 281
sound, 3, 97, 111, 114, 131, 155 – 158, 166, 226,
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean (1788 – 1827), 177 – 179,
Frogs, 189, 217 – 218
Gabrieli, Andrea (1532 – 1585), 74
Gaffurius, Francinus (1451 – 1522), 12, 35 – 36
Galilei, Galileo (1564 – 1642), 2, 6 – 7, 24 – 25, 63, 89,
93, 96, 99, 107 111 – 114, 203
and Copernicus, 2, 52 – 54
Galilei, Vincenzo (ca. 1520 – 1591), 2, 48 – 49, 52 – 53,
59, 70, 76, 111, 158
and Copernicus, 2, 35, 53
and Galileo, 6
Galvanism, 193
Gassendi, Pierre (1592 – 1655), 119 – 120
Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777 – 1855), 231 – 232, 237
G é nder , 203 – 204
chromatic, 60 – 63, 68 – 69, 158
diatonic, 36, 40, 60 – 61, 68 – 69, 96, 121, 123 – 124,
126, 224
enharmonic, 61 – 63, 66 – 70, 291n48
Geometria situs. See Topology
Geometry, 1 – 2, 5, 9, 14 – 35, 56, 59, 68 – 70, 77, 84,
90, 93, 145 – 149, 210, 231 – 243, 273
Euclidean, 77, 231, 236 – 242
Lobachevskian, 242
non-Euclidean, 231, 237 – 242, 273, 277 – 278
Gerson, Levi ben (Gersonides; 1288 – 1344), 32 – 33
Gilbert, William (1544 – 1603), 48, 53
Glarean, Heinrich (1488 – 1563), 2, 36 – 40, 49, 52, 74,
78, 289n7
Glass, vibrating, 11 – 12, 45, 182, 198, 200, 208,
211 – 212, 223 280 – 281
Glissando, 80 – 81
God, 10, 23 – 24, 29 – 33, 75, 77, 80, 82 – 83, 86 – 87,
105 – 107, 110, 120, 181, 233, 282
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