Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

342 Index

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749 – 1832), 181,
188, 237, 243
Goldbach, Christian (1690 – 1764), 143 – 144
Golden ratio, 83, 141
Gosselin, Guillaume (ca. 1536 – ca. 1600), 70 – 71
Gouk, Penelope, 6
Gozza, Paolo, 6
Gradus suavitatis. See Degree of agreeableness
Grating, diffraction, 173 – 174
Gravity, 89, 131, 280, 282
Great Year, 22, 287n5
Greek music, 6, 18, 35, 38, 48 – 49, 52, 56, 158
Greek natural philosophy, 1 – 2
Grimaldi, Francesco Maria (1618 – 1663), 125, 128,
Grundton (fundamental tone), 250
Guimbarde , 203 – 204
Gymnastik ē , 14
Hadrons, Hagedorn model of, 279
Hakfoort, Casper, 155
Hamlet , 1 – 2, 284
Handel, Georg Friedrich (1685 – 1759), 170
Harmonia , 9 – 10, 14, 46 – 47, 61
Harmonica, 205
Harmonic series, 145
Harmonium, 5, 205, 226, 256 – 259, 265 – 269, 279
cosmic, 2, 5, 14, 21, 29 – 35, 46 – 48, 53 – 54, 76,
80 – 86, 102, 104 – 111
as criterion, 190, 193, 200, 229, 239, 245, 271,
278 – 284
practical, 134 – 145, 156, 158 – 159, 173, 255
Hassler, Hans Leo (1564 – 1612), 74
Haydn, Joseph (1732 – 1809), 170
Heat, 123, 181, 188, 193, 247, 265 – 266
Heilbron, John, 256, 269
Heisenberg, Werner (1901 – 1976), 5, 271 – 273, 280
Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821 – 1894), 4 – 5, 137,
217 – 252, 255 – 267, 272 – 273, 276 – 277, 279
on hearing, 223 – 229, 235
on space, 235 – 242
on vision, 219 – 222
Heptagon, 77
Heraclitus (ca. 535 – ca. 475 B.C.E.), 280
Herschel, Sir John (1792 – 1871), 161
Herschel, William (1738 – 1822), 188
Hertz, Heinrich (1857 – 1894), 264, 266 – 267, 269
Hiebert, Erwin (1919 – 2012), 256
Hieroglyphics, 4, 177, 179
Hoffmann, E. T. A. (1776 – 1822), 190
Holton, Gerald, 278 – 279
Homer (seventh or eighth century B.C.E.), 9 – 10,
14 – 15, 19
Hooke, Robert (1635 – 1703), 6, 54, 123, 127, 285n6,
Horatio, 1 – 2, 284

Hui, Alexandra, 6, 256, 263 – 264
Humboldt, Alexander von (1769 – 1859),
188 – 189
Husserl, Edmund (1859 – 1938), 252 – 253, 255, 269,
271, 285n3
Huygens, Christiaan (1629 – 1695), 114, 151 – 155,
Huygens ’ s principle, 151 – 153
Hydrogen, 5, 190, 196, 247 – 252, 275 – 277
Incommensurability, 22, 28 – 34, 57, 140
Indexing, 4, 137, 146, 148 – 149
electrical, 182 – 183
electromagnetic, 4, 196, 198, 207, 212 – 214
Infinitesimal, 232, 237
Infinity, 3, 16, 22, 55, 58, 69, 77, 79, 81, 86 – 88, 95,
98, 143, 152, 236, 251
optical, 158, 168
percussion, 112, 134
string, 109, 112, 116 – 118, 135, 153, 166, 168, 187,
wind, 112, 117, 134 – 135
Interference, 125, 152 – 154, 161, 168, 176
Internalism, 285n2
comma, 56, 167, 261 – 262
diesis, 59, 61, 63 – 69, 84, 291n34
fifth, 10 – 13, 17, 19, 33, 42 – 43, 60, 78, 93, 97,
116 – 17, 136, 141, 250
fourth, 10 – 11, 13, 33, 60, 83 – 84, 93, 159, 167,
173 – 174
octave, 3, 9 – 13, 17, 33, 36, 40, 49, 56, 60, 75,
77 – 78, 91, 93, 97, 116 – 117, 121 – 127, 131, 135,
141, 156 – 159, 164, 167 – 169, 173 – 174, 193, 222,
224, 229, 250, 257, 267 – 268
overtone, 167, 221
quarter tone, 3, 59, 61, 63, 66 – 69, 123 ( see also
Intervals, diesis)
semitone, 36, 42, 49, 56 – 61, 63, 67 – 68, 71, 78,
81 – 84, 123, 125, 135, 221, 224, 267 – 268
third, 42 – 43, 60, 76, 83, 93, 116 – 117, 159, 167,
173, 226, 257 – 258, 262, 264
tone (whole step), 11, 17, 33, 36, 55 – 63, 123
tritone, 17, 158
Invariance, 149, 229, 236 – 239, 243
Ippolito II d ’ Este (1509 – 1572), 61, 63, 69
Iridescence, 156
Irrational, 2 – 3, 9, 15 – 17, 28 – 32, 38, 55 – 72, 87, 92,
137, 141, 143, 282
Jackson, Myles, 6
Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 53, 63, 104
Jew ’ s harp. See Guimbarde
Joshua, miracle in, 24
Jupiter, 80
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