Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

344 Index

Muses, 9, 28
“ ancient, ” 2, 4, 34 – 35, 45, 49, 67, 92, 158 – 159
and mathematics, 2, 18, 55, 133 – 140, 144 – 153
“ modern, ” 4, 63, 67, 79 – 80, 158 – 160
practical, 55 – 56, 60, 67, 73, 79, 90, 109, 112, 134,
158, 256
theory of, 3 – 6, 18, 20 – 21, 25, 56, 77, 92, 109, 117,
124, 137, 144, 229
Musica instrumentalis , 78
Musica mundana , 49, 78, 109, 282
amateur, 70, 76, 82, 257
professional, 75 – 76, 256 – 258
Muslim music, 75, 77
Myograph, 217 – 218
Nambu, Yoichiro, 279 – 280
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821), 179, 185 – 186
Natural philosophy, 1 – 5, 21, 25, 89 – 90, 94 – 97, 100,
103, 109, 131, 134, 156, 158, 164, 176 – 177, 185,
198, 233, 282 – 284
Nature, unity of, 4, 181 – 182, 188, 190, 193, 263,
Naturphilosophie , 4, 181, 185, 188 – 189, 194,
Neoplatonism, 73, 105 – 106
Neutron, 46
New Music (Athenian), 19, 38
New philosophy, 1 – 2, 5, 6, 21, 89, 94, 96, 103
Newton, Isaac (1642 – 1727), 3, 6 – 7, 20, 46, 73,
121 – 131
and Descartes, 121
Newton ’ s rings, 127 – 131, 156, 164, 174, 176,
theory of light, 7, 125 – 131
Nicomachus (ca. 60 – ca. 120 C.E.), 10 – 11
Nielsen, Holger, 279
Node, 185, 275
Notre Dame, school of, 31
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg; 1772 – 1801),
188, 190
Number. See also Arithmetic
amicable, 144 – 145
concept of, 2 – 4, 9 – 17, 29 – 30, 56 – 72, 82 – 83
irrational, 2 – 3, 9, 15 – 17, 28 – 32, 55 – 87, 137, 141,
143, 282
perfect, 144 – 145
theory, 4, 133 – 137, 143 – 145, 233
Occult arts, 74 – 75, 93, 189
One, concept of, 14 – 16
Ophelia, 1 – 2
Ophthalmoscope, 217
Ophthalmotrope, 217, 220
Optics – music analogy, 124 – 131, 133 – 134, 151 – 157,
161, 164, 170 – 179

Oresme, Nicole (ca. 1320 – 1382), 2 – 3, 21 – 35, 45 – 46,
57, 87, 145
Organ, 74, 105, 112, 118 – 119, 134, 164, 174, 203,
205, 210
Organic forms, 190 – 191
Orpheus, 106, 109
Ø rsted, Hans Christian (1777 – 1851), 4, 181,
185 – 192, 200, 207, 209
Oscillator, 201, 266 – 267, 279 – 280
Ossicles (hammer, anvil, and stirrup), 226, 234 – 236
Ouranos , 99
Overtone, 3 – 4, 93, 116 – 120, 137, 156 – 157, 164,
170, 200, 223, 225, 248 – 252, 275, 277
Painting, 56, 93, 135, 185, 195, 222 – 223, 229, 239,
Palisca, Claude (1921 – 2001), 6, 85
Panofksy, Erwin (1892 – 1968), 6
Paradox, 24 – 25, 46, 53, 66 – 68, 95, 140, 154, 179,
245, 269
Parhelia (mock suns), 93 – 94
Particle, 7, 127, 135, 151 – 156, 164, 173, 176 – 178,
191, 198, 207 – 209, 214, 247, 273, 275, 279,
Pendulum, 93 – 96, 114, 167, 203, 209, 248, 266
Pentagon, 77, 83
Perpendicular effect
of currents, 190 – 191
of sounds, 209, 211
Philolaus (ca. 470 – ca. 385 B.C.E.), 9 – 12, 14, 48
Phosphorescence, 160
Physicist, 5, 90, 196, 255, 258
Aristotelian, 21, 38, 46, 99
Maxwellian, 232, 245, 248, 266, 269
Newtonian, 121 – 131, 133 – 134, 177, 196, 245, 280,
Physis , 90, 99
Piano, 157, 268, 200 – 201, 206, 210, 222, 256 – 257,
260 – 261, 271
Pictet, Marc Auguste (1752 – 1825), 188 – 189
Pipe, vibrations of, 11 – 13, 66, 112, 119, 134,
163 – 168, 174, 203, 210
Planck, Max (1858 – 1947), 5, 255 – 271, 273,
279 – 282
and anthropomorphism, 255 – 256, 269, 282, 309n22
and Helmholtz, 255 – 258, 262, 264 – 265
music experiments, 258 – 263
Planck constant, 267 – 268
Planck units, 268, 309n34
and thermodynamics, 256, 263, 265 – 268
Planets, 2, 6, 19, 22, 27, 30, 33 – 36, 46 – 49, 73,
78 – 88, 99, 101 – 106, 116, 127, 131, 279
Plato (429 – 347 B.C.E.), 2, 9, 14 – 22, 29, 35, 47, 66,
76, 82, 92, 104, 120, 123, 272, 282
Republic , 14, 19, 123
Timaeus , 14, 120, 272
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