Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

Index 345

Pleasure, 29 – 30, 38, 59, 84, 86, 90, 92, 120, 135,
139 – 140, 158, 189
Poetry, 9, 111, 121, 143, 234 – 235, 238
Poincar é , Henri (1854 – 1912), 242
Polyhedra, 4, 146 – 149
Polyphony, 3, 31, 38, 48, 76, 78, 80 – 83, 158, 205,
Praetorius, Johannes (1537 – 1616), 47 – 48, 53
Proclus, 105
Protestantism, 74
Proton, 46
Pseudosphere, 240, 242, 307n52
Ptolemy, Claudius (ca. 90 – ca. 168 C.E.)
astronomical writings, 30, 47, 105
harmonics, 13, 18 – 19, 76
Pulse theory of sound, 97, 135, 137, 151 – 156, 164
Pythagoras (ca. 570 – ca. 495 B.C.E.), 9 – 12, 17, 32,
35, 73, 131, 280, 282
cosmology, 14, 22, 24
distance relation, 232
ratios, 9 – 17, 135, 203, 250
theorem, 232, 237
thought, 2, 5, 9 – 24, 47 – 48, 73, 135, 245, 251,
278 – 279, 284
tuning, 60, 77
Quadrivium, 2, 19 – 22, 29, 46, 49, 54, 58, 76, 121,
282, 284
Quakers (Society of Friends), 4, 161 – 162, 300n2,
Quantization, 269, 275, 278
Radioactivity, 46
Rainbow, 93, 176
Rameau, Jean-Philipe (1683 – 1764), 135, 156 – 158
Ratio, 4, 10 – 18, 26 – 33, 47, 69, 73, 77, 82, 115 – 116,
127, 135, 141, 149, 155, 159, 174, 182, 203, 221,
superparticular, 32 – 33, 135
Rational, 3, 10, 28, 32 – 33, 55 – 66, 70, 123, 141
Raumproblem. See Space, problem of
Ray, 100, 151 – 156, 188 – 190, 214, 222, 247,
276 – 277
Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt; 1842 – 1919),
245, 251 – 252, 255
Recorde, Robert (ca. 1512 – 1558), 55 – 56
Recurrence, cosmic, 22, 31
Reed, 13, 205, 266 – 267
Regiomontanus (Johannes M ü ller von K ö nigsberg;
1436 – 1476), 107
Rehding, Alexander, 90, 296n15, 297n39
Relativity, 206, 229, 243, 255, 264, 273, 282
Renaissance, 21, 75, 90
Republic of Letters, 103, 296n3
Resonance, 6, 168, 182, 200, 205 – 206, 247, 279 – 281
sympathetic, 152, 200, 203

Resonator, 5, 200, 203, 223, 225, 266 – 268
Revolution, scientific, 5, 90, 284
Rheticus (Georg Joachim de Porris; 1512 – 1574),
Rhetoric, 19, 24, 47 – 49, 68, 74, 77 – 78, 172,
234 – 235
Rhythm, 14 – 15, 32, 92, 166, 168, 238
Riemann, Bernhard (1826 – 1866), 5, 145, 231 – 243,
and Helmholtz, 231 – 234
on foundations of geometry, 231 – 232
on mechanics of the ear, 233 – 235
Riemann, Hugo (1849 – 1919), 157
Ritter, Johann (1776 – 1810), 4, 181, 188 – 193
Roman Catholic Church, 38, 40, 87, 104 – 105
Roman thought, 13, 15, 18 – 19, 105
Romanticism, 4, 170, 188 – 190, 272
Rotation, 205 – 206, 237 – 238, 306
of Earth, 25
electrodynamic, 197 – 198
of planets, 86
of sirens, 223, 226
Royal Institution, 176 – 177, 195, 198, 205 – 207
Rudolf II (Holy Roman Emperor; 1552 – 1612),
74 – 75
Rumford, Count (Benjamin Thompson; 1753 – 1814),
176 – 177
Sadness, 4, 92, 139 – 140, 282
Saturn, 35, 80
Sauveur, Joseph (1653 – 1716), 112
Savart, F é lix (1791 – 1841), 181, 185, 187, 194, 207,
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
(1775 – 1854), 191
Schr ö dinger, Erwin (1887 – 1961), 5, 272 – 278,
Schumann, Robert (1810 – 1856), 190
Sch ü tz, Heinrich (1585 – 1672), 260, 262, 264
Schwartz, Hillel, 6
Sedimentation, 255, 271, 284
Sexuality, 3, 82 – 84, 88, 294n59
Shakespeare, William (1564 – 1616), 161, 179,
Sh ē ng , 205
Singing, 31, 70, 74, 77, 81, 109, 168,
tubes, 196
Siren, 81, 205, 223, 226 – 229
Skeleton, melodic, 76 – 78
Skepticism, 25, 30, 198, 256
Smith, Robert (1689 – 1768), 164, 172 – 173
Socrates (469 – 399 B.C.E.), 9, 14 – 16, 18
Sodium, 249
Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868 – 1951), 245
Sonification, 279
Sound, speed of, 3, 112 – 113, 155, 214
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