Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

346 Index

empty, 93, 95, 99, 119 ( see also Vacuum)
n -dimensional, 232
problem of, 4, 191, 193, 217, 219, 226, 228,
231 – 243
Space-time, 232, 241, 243, 273
elemental, 247, 266
mass, 279
solar, 3, 5, 121, 125, 127, 188, 190, 220 – 224,
245 – 250, 266, 269, 274
Spheres, celestial, 22, 81
music of the, 27 – 28, 30 – 37, 46 – 50, 78, 131, 245,
279, 282
Spitta, Philipp (1841 – 1894), 260
Sterne, Jonathan, 6
Stifel, Michael (1487 – 1567), 3, 55 – 60, 69 – 70, 77
Stoney, G. Johnstone (1826 – 1911), 5, 248 – 251, 266,
String, vibrating, 3, 45, 182, 187, 249, 251, 266,
275 – 276
ancient accounts, 11 – 13, 17
and Descartes, 93 – 98
and Euler, 134 – 135, 152 – 157
and Faraday, 208, 210
and Kepler, 77
and Mersenne, 107 – 120
and Newton, 125
Renaissance, 5, 47, 56 – 57, 66 – 68
and Young, 163, 166, 168, 174
String theory, 5, 279 – 282
Sun, 24, 33 – 40, 46 – 49, 53 – 54, 73, 80 – 84, 96, 99,
102, 105 – 106, 127, 245, 247
Superposition, 173, 175, 226
Susskind, Leonard, 279
Sweetness, 123 – 124, 136, 268
Symmetry, 46 – 47, 157, 185, 188 – 189, 193, 261
Tachistoscope, 217, 219
Tartini tones, 166, 226
Telegraphy, 4, 207, 213 – 214
equal, 5, 59 – 60, 70 – 71, 137, 169, 257, 264,
267 – 269
just intonation, 60, 77, 117, 137, 258, 291n29
Pythagorean, 104 – 107, 116
Young, 168 – 169
Tempo, 114, 170
Tennis, 99, 111
Thermodynamics, 255 – 256, 263, 265 – 266
Thompson, Emily, 6
Thornton, Robert (1898 – 1982), 243
Thunderstorms, 134, 193
Timbre, 164, 168, 235, 240 – 241, 248
Time, 86 – 87, 223, 226, 228, 231, 240 – 243, 248
Tinctoris, Johannes (ca. 1435 – 1511), 35
Topology, 4, 133, 145 – 149

Tragedy, joy of, 139 – 140
Translation, 179, 181
Transmutation, 45 – 46
Triads, 78, 117, 136 – 139, 170, 203, 258, 260 – 264
Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio (1478 – 1550), 61
Trumpet, 75, 117 – 118, 195
Tuning, 5, 47, 59 – 60, 63, 70, 74 – 75, 77, 84, 168,
256, 258 – 269, 272, 282. See also Temperament
Tuning fork, 203, 206, 223, 225
Tyndall, John (1820 – 1893), 13, 184, 214
Undertone, 4, 156 – 157, 203
Unity of nature, 4, 173, 182, 188, 193, 263
Universe, 3, 22, 33 – 36, 46, 75, 98 – 99, 102, 104 – 111,
Urania, 79, 81
Vacuum, 3, 94 – 98, 119
Valla, Giorgio (1447 – 1500), 35 – 36
Van Wymeersch, Brigitte, 6, 295n10
Veneziano amplitude, 279 – 280
Ventriloquism, 168, 198, 200, 214
Venus, 80 – 81, 84
longitudinal, 97, 152 – 153, 178, 191, 193, 198, 207,
209, 215
of plates, 175, 178, 181 – 182, 185, 190 – 193, 203,
207, 308n18
transverse, 4, 153, 178 – 179, 193, 196, 198,
206 – 209, 215
Vicentino, Nicola (1511 – ca. 1575), 55, 60 – 70, 76,
Vi è te, Fran ç ois (1540 – 1603), 55 – 56
Violence, 44 – 45, 77
Violin, 75, 166, 182, 185, 18 – 188, 191 – 195, 206,
208, 249, 256 – 258, 271 – 272
Virgil (70 – 19 B.C.E.), 74, 84, 113
Voice, physiology of, 162, 168
Volmar, Axel, 6
Vortex, 89, 99 – 102, 152 – 153
Wagner, Richard (1813 – 1883), 229
Walker, D. P. (1914 – 1985), 6, 81, 83, 100
Wardhaugh, Benjamin, 6
Wave, 111, 136
electrical, 213, 232
equation, 232, 272 – 273, 276 – 277
light, 3 – 4, 7, 125, 127, 131, 151 – 155, 161 – 179, 221
mechanics, 5, 275 – 277
vs. pulse, 151
sound, 97, 137, 188, 198, 200
Wavelength, 127, 155, 173 – 175, 178, 222, 248, 250,
268, 275
Weil, Andr é (1906 – 1998), 145
Weyl, Hermann (1885 – 1955), 278, 310n6
Wheatstone, Charles (1802 – 1875), 4, 195, 198 – 207,
210, 213 – 215, 279 – 280
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