F-430 A tetrapyrrole structure containing nickel, a
component of the ENZYMEmethyl-coenzyme M REDUC-
TASE, that is involved in the formation of methane in
METHANOGENICbacteria. The highly reduced macro-
cyclic structure, related to PORPHYRINs and CORRINs, is
termed a CORPHIN.
face-centered cubic A cubic unit cell having
atoms, molecules, or ions at the corners and in the
center of each face; the unit cell produced by cubic
close packing.
facilitated diffusion A process by which carrier
proteins, also called permeases or transporters, or ion
channels in the cell membrane transport substances
such as glucose, sodium, and chloride ions into or out
of cells down a concentration (electrochemical) gradi-
ent; does not require the use of metabolic energy.
facultative anaerobe A facultative anaerobe is a
microorganism that makes ATPby aerobic respiration if
oxygen is present, but if absent switches to fermenta-
tion under anaerobic conditions.
facultative organism Any organism that changes a
metabolic pathway to another when needed.
Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel(1686–1736) German
Instrument maker, physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahren-
heit, a German instrument maker and physicist, was
born in Danzig, Germany (now Gdansk, Poland), in
1686, the oldest of five children. Fahrenheit’s major
contributions lay in the creation of the first accurate