conversion—in the presence of oxygen—of substances
that are formed by the breakdown of sugars, fats, and
protein components to carbon dioxide, water, and
energy-rich compounds.
He was a member of many scientific societies, win-
ning many awards and citations for his work and pub-
lished works, including Energy Transformations in
Living Matter (1957) with British biochemist Hans
Kornberg. He was knighted in 1958. He died on
November 22, 1981, in Oxford, England.
Krebs cycle A biochemical cycle in the second stage
of cellular respiration involving eight steps that com-
plete the metabolic breakdown of glucose molecules to
carbon dioxide. Acetyl CoA is combined with oxaloac-
etate to form citric acid. Citric acid is then converted
into a number of other chemicals, and carbon dioxide
is released. The process takes place within the mito-
chondrion. Also called citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic
acid (TCA) cycle. Conceived and published by British
scientist SIRHANSADOLFKREBSin 1957.
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