substituted cyclohexane. This steric substituent
parameter equals ∆rGoin kcal/mol for the equatorial-
to-axial equilibration on cyclohexane. The values are
also known as “Winstein–Holness” Avalues.
Avogadro’s law At the same temperature and pres-
sure, equal volumes of all gases contain the same num-
ber of molecules.
Avogadro’s number The number (6.022 × 1023 ) of
atoms, molecules, or particles found in exactly 1 mole
of substance.
azacarbene SeeNITRENE.
azene SeeNITRENE.
a TYPE 1 COPPERsite, isolated from certain bacteria.
azylene SeeNITRENE.
22 Avogadro’s law