coordination compound
(coordination complex)
60, 119
coordination isomers 60
coordination number 60
coordination sphere 60
coordinatively saturated 60
coordinatively unsaturated
copolymer 60
copper 65, 78,86, 133
and Menkes disease 175
copper sulfate 49
Cori, Carl Ferdinand 60–61,
61, 163
Cori, Gerty Theresa 60–61,
61, 61
coronate 61
corphin 61
correlation analysis 61,92,
corrin 61–62, 62
corrosion 42, 62
cortisone 153–154
cosphere 62
cotransport 62
CO 2 (carbon dioxide). See
carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
coulomb 12, 62
Coulomb’s law 62
countercurrent exchange 62
coupled system 62
coupling constant 62
covalent bond 62
and bond energy 31
in dehydration reaction
and double bonds 84
nonpolar 194
polar 215
covalent compounds 62
Cox-Yates equation 62–63
cracking 63
Crick, Francis 183
crime 81
critical mass 63
critical micelle concentration
(cmc) 63
critical point 63
critical pressure 63
critical temperature 63
cross conjugation 63
cross reactivity 63
crown 63, 63
crustacean 50
cryolite 123
cryoscopy 63
cryptand 63–64, 64
crystal 64,64, 147
ionic 171
liquid 168
crystal classes 64
crystal field 64, 165
crystal lattice 64
crystal lattice energy 64
crystalline solid 64
crystallization 65, 125
crystal systems 65
CT (computed tomography)
scan 59
C-terminal amino acid residue
cubic close packing 65
Curare and Curare-like
Agents(Bovet) 33
curie (Ci) 65
Curie, Iréne 65, 151–152
Curie, Marie 65
Curie, Pierre 65
Curie relation 65
Curl, Robert 35
Curtin-Hammett principle
65, 66
cyanobacteria 66
cybernetics 66
cybotactic region 66
cyclic AMP 66
cyclic electron flow 66
cyclin 66
cyclin-dependent kinase 66
cyclization 66
cycloaddition 21, 66–67, 67
cycloalkane 67
cycloelimination 67
cyclohexane 21–22
cycloreversion 67
cyclotron 67, 174
cystine 154
cytochrome 67
cytochrome-c oxidase 67–68
cytochrome P-450 68
cytokine 68, 174
cytokinesis 86
cytoplasm 43, 68
cytosine 117
Czyz, Bobby 82
Dale, Henry Hallett 69, 168
dalton 69
Dalton, John 69
Dalton’s law 69, 161
Dam, Henrik 70
Danforth, C. H. 83
Daniel, John F. 70
Daniel cell (gravity cell) 70,
dark reaction. SeeCalvin
data 70
dating 228–230
dative bond 70
dative substituent 39
daughter nuclide 70
Davy Medal 18, 38
ethane) 188, 203
debye 70
Debye, Petrus (Peter)
Josephys Wilhelmus 70–71
decant 71
decay, nuclear 70, 91
decay constant 71
decomposers 71
decomposition 23, 71, 108
and fossil fuels 111
decomposition chemical 71
degenerate 71
degenerate rearrangement 72
degree 71
dehydration reaction 72
dehydrogenase 72
delocalization 72, 73
demodulation 72
denaturated 72
denaturation 72
denim 57
denitrification 72
De-nol 73
de novo design 73
density 73
denticity 73
deoxyribose 73
depolarization 73–74
deposition 74
derivative 74
dermal toxicity 74
desferrioxamine (DFO) 74
Destiny of the Stars
(Arrhenius) 18
detachment 74
detailed balancing, principle
of 74
detector 74
detergent 74
detonate 74
deuterium 74,125, 149
dextrorotatory 75, 163
DFO (desferrioxamine) 74
diabetes 24, 140
diagonal similarities 75
diamagnetic 75
diarrhea 83
diastereoisomer 19, 75
diastereoisomerism 75
diatom 75
diatomic 75
dielectric constant 75
Diels-Alder reaction 66–67,
dienophile 75
differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) 75
differential thermal analysis
(DTA) 75
differential thermometer 76
diffraction 76
diffusion 76,76, 105
diffusion control 179
diffusion membrane 188
digestion 76
digital 76
dihydrofolate 76
dilution 76
dimagnetism 75
dimer 76
dimerization 77
Dimroth-Reichardt ET
parameter 77, 77
dioxygenase 77
dipolar aprotic solvent 77
dipolar bond 77
dipole 77,139, 172
dipole-dipole interaction 7
dipole moment 77, 172
diprotic acid 77
diradical. Seebiradical
disaccharide 78
disintegration constant 71
dismutase 78
dismutation 78–79
dispersed phase 78
dispersing medium 78
displacement reaction 78,
disproportionation 78–79
dissimilatory 79
dissociation 79
dissociation energy 79
distillation 79,80, 111
distomer 80
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
24, 80,80,81–82, 84–85,
117, 195
and antisense molecules
base pair substitution
in 24–25
blotting of 30
by-products of,
synthesis 76
cloning 214
complementary 55
consensus sequence of
denaturation of 72
exons in 102
and expression 102
and growth factor
and histones 129
330 Index