and RNA 176
Watson-Crick model of
DNA ligase 80
DNA methylation 80
DNA polymerase 80
DNA probe 80, 83
Dobson, G. M. B. 83
Dobson unit 83
docking studies 83
Doisy, Edward Adelbert 83
Domagk, Gerhard Johannes
Paul 83–84
domain 84
donor-atom symbol 84, 84
donor number (DN) 84
dopamine 192
Doppler radar 84
dorbitals 84, 84
dosimeter 84
double-blind study 84
double bond 84, 164
double helix 80, 80,84–85
double prodrug 85
double salt 85
Downs cell 85
DP number 85
driving force (affinity of a
reaction) 85
drug(s) 85, 210
analog 13
antagonist 14
application for new 192
design of 56
efficacy of 86
hard 124
inverse agonist 142
investigational 138
orphan 203
drug disposition 85
drug latentiation 85
drug targeting 85
dry cells 85,85, 162
dry ice 85
DSC (differential scanning
calorimetry) 75
DTA (differential thermal
analysis) 75
d-transition elements (metals)
dual-action drug 86
dual substituent-parameter
equation 86
ductile 86
Dumas method 86
dye 57, 59, 109
dynamic equilibrium 86
dynein 86
dyotropic rearrangement 86,
EC nomenclature for enzymes
E. coli 97
ecology 28, 29, 59
ecosystem 29, 87
Edlund, Erick 17
EDRF. Seeendothelium-
derived relaxing factor
educt 87
effective atomic number 87
effective charge 87
effective collisions 87
effective molarity (effective
concentration) 87–88
effective nuclear charge 88
efficacy 88
effusion 88
EF-hand 88
eighteen-electron rule 88
Eijkman, Christiaan 88
Eijkman’s syndrome 88
Einthoven, Willem 88–89
Einthoven galvanometer 89
Eisenhower, Dwight 164
EKG (electrocardiogram) 89
Ekström, Daniel 43
electrical conductivity 89
electrical resonance 89
Electrical Signs of Nervous
Activity(Erlanger) 100
and acid 2
and cathodes 42
and conduction bands
and Coulomb’s law 62
in nervous system 100
unit of (amp) 12
work of Svante August
Arrhenius on 17–18
electrocardiogram (EKG) 89
electrochemical gradient 89
electrochemistry 89,121,
electrode 89–90, 145
glass 118
electrode potential 90
electrofuge 90,111–112
electrogenic pump 90
electrolysis 85, 90, 90
Faraday’s law of 107
electrolyte 54, 90,143, 154
electrolytic reaction 89, 89
electromagnetic radiation 90
and frequency 112
gamma rays as 115
electromagnetic spectrum 59,
90, 90
electromagnetic wave 91, 179
electromeric effect 91,91, 92
electron(s) 91
in atoms 20
and band theory 24
in beta decay 26
in Bohr model 31
in captodative effect
in cathode ray tubes
dots 164
and effective atomic
number 87
and effective nuclear
charge 88
exclusion principle of
in half-reactions 123
inner-sphere transfer of
in internal conversion
K shell 153
lone, pair 168
noncyclic flow of 194
in n-to-p-star transition
octet rule of 88, 199
outer-sphere transfer of
and uncertainty
principle 125
electron acceptor 91
electron affinity 91
electron attachment 91, 91
electron capture 91
electron configuration 56, 58
electron dating spin resonance
electron-deficient bond 91, 91
electron density 92, 95
electron detachment 92
electron donor 92
complex 92
electronegativity 92,194,
electron-electron coupling 62
electroneutrality principle 92
electronic effect of
substituents: symbols and
signs 92
electron microscope (EM)
92,92–93,138, 242
electron-nuclear double
resonance (ENDOR) 93
electron-pair acceptor 93
electron-pair donor 93
electron paramagnetic
resonance spectroscopy
(EPR spectroscopy) 93
electron spin-echo envelope
modulation (ESEEM) 94
electron spin-echo
spectroscopy 93–94
electron spin quantum
number 94
electron spin-resonance
spectroscopy (ESR
spectroscopy). Seeelectron
paramagnetic resonance
electron transfer 94, 94
electron-transfer catalysis 94
electron-transfer protein 22,
30, 94
electron-transport chain 49,
electrophile 10, 95
electrophilicity 95
electrophoresis 95,116, 118
element 95
elementary process 95
elementary reaction 95
element effect 95
Eli Lilly Prize 26
elimination 95
Elliot Cresson Medal 164
Embden, Gustav George 178
Embden-Meyerhoff pathway
embryonic tissue 53
empirical formula 95
EMR (electron magnetic
resonance). Seeelectron
paramagnetic resonance
emulsifier 74
emulsifying agent 96
emulsion 96, 96
enantiomer 19, 96, 201
enantioselectivity. See
encounter complex 96
encounter control 179
encounter-controlled rate 96
endergonic reaction 96
endogenous 96
ENDOR (electron-nuclear
double resonance) 93
endorcine gland 131
endothelium-derived relaxing
factor (EDRF) 96
endotherm 96
endothermal reaction 96
endothermic 96–97
ene reaction 97
energetic coupling 56
energy 97
conservation of 161
free 112
internal 141
Index 331