oxygen-evolving complex
(OEC) 206
ozone 50, 83, 206
ozonolysis 206
Pacific yew tree 57
paint 75
pairing energy 207
paper 43
paraffin 207
parallel reaction. See
composite reaction
paramagnetic 172, 207
partial agonist 207
partial pressure 207
partial rate factor 207
particulate matter 207
pascal 207–208
passivation 208
passive transport 208
pattern recognition 208
Pauli, Wolfgang 208
Pauli exclusion principle
Pauling, Linus 9, 183, 208
p-benzoquinone 139–140
p-block element 208–209
PCBs 25, 216–217
PCR. Seepolymerase chain
peas 193
penicillin 44, 129
peptide 119
antifreeze 184
peptide bond 209
peptidoglycan 209
peptidomimetic 209
peptoid 209
percentage ionization 209
percent by mass 209
percent composition 209
percent ionic character 209
percent purity 209
perfect gas 209
per fluorocarbon (PFC) 209
period 210
periodicity 210
periodic table 47, 75, 119,
208–209, 210
lanthanide series in
metals in 176
pblock in 208
Perking Medal 160
Perkins, Anthony 7
peroxide(s) 123, 210
petroleum 210
pharmacokinetics 210
pharmacophore 210
pharmacophoric descriptors
phase diagram 210–211
phase rule 211
phase-transfer catalysis 211
phenol 211
phenolphthalein 138
phenonium ion. Seebridged
pheromone 211
phosphatase 211
phosphate group 211
phosphatidic acid 211
phospholipase A 211
phospholipases 211
phospholipids 211–212
phosphorylation 205, 212
photic zone 212
photoautotrophs 21, 212
photochemical oxidants 212
photochemical smog 212
photochemistry 212
photodissociation 212
photoelectric effect 212
photoheterotrophy 127,
photolysis 212
photon 212
photoperiodism 212,
photophosphorylation 66,
photosynthesis 2, 21, 37–38,
38–39, 40, 41, 50,212,
and light reactions 165
NADPH as product of
and noncyclic electron
flow 194
photosystem 212–213
photovoltaic cell 213
pH-rate profile 213
pH scale 2–3, 3 , 35, 213
The Physical Basis of
Perception(Adrian) 6
physical change 213
phytoalexin 213
phytochelatin 213
phytochrome 213–214
picket-fence porphyrin 214
pi (π) adduct 214
pi (π) bond 89, 214
pi (π) complex. Seepi (π)
pi (π) electron acceptor 214
piezoelectric effect 214
pi (π) orbital 214
pituitary gland 120
placebo 214
Planck, Max 214
Planck constant 118, 214
plants 1, 2, 21, 37–38, 41
geotropism in 117
lignin in 165–166
plasma 30, 173, 173, 214
plasmalogen 211
plasmid 215
plaster of paris 120
plastic 215
plasticize 215
plasticizer 215
plastocyanin 213, 215
platelet-derived growth factor
(PDGF) 120
platinum 65, 86
plutonium 215
p-njunction 215
podand 64
pOH 215
poikilotherm 215
polar aprotic solvent. See
dipolar aprotic solvent
polar covalent bond 215
polar effect 87, 215–216
polarimeter 216
polarity 77, 153, 216
polarizability 216
polar molecule 216, 216
polarography 128
polar solvent. Seepolarity
pollen 216
Polley, H. F. 154
pollution 4, 50, 207
polonium 65, 151, 177
polychlorinated biphenyl
polycyclic 217
polydent 217
polydentate. Seechelation;
donor-atom symbol
polyene 217
polyester 217
polyethylene 128, 217
polyhedral symbol 217
polymer 45, 56, 71, 217
glass transition
temperature of 118
polymerase, DNA 80
polymerase chain reaction
polymerization 217
polymorphous 217
polypeptide 217
polyprotic acid 217
polysaccharide 217
Popular Science Monthly
Award 160
porbital 39, 130, 217–218
porins 218
porphyrin 61, 145, 214, 218,
positive void coefficient 196
positron 26, 151, 218
potassium 7, 45, 178
potassium-argon dating
potassium iodide 49
potassium manganate 49
potassium salt 73
potency 218
potential energy 218
potential-energy profile 218
potential-energy (reaction)
surface 218–219
potentiometer (pot) 219
potentiometry 219
Pourbaix diagram 219
power saturation 219
pre-association 219
precipitate 219
precipitation 3–4, 111
precursor complex. See
encounter complex
predominance area diagram
pre-equilibrium 219–220,
pre-exponential factor 220
pressure 63, 69, 175
pressure flow. Seebulk flow
Priestley Medal 38, 71
Prigogine, Ilya 220
primary kinetic electrolyte
effect. Seekinetic
electrolyte effect
primary kinetic isotope effect.
Seeisotope effect, kinetic
primary structure 220
primary voltaic cell 220, 220
primer 220
primitive change 221
prion 249
probability 221
prodrug 29, 41, 85, 189,
product-determining step
product-development control
prokaryotes 113
Prometheus 248
promoter 221
promotion. See
Prontosil rubrum 83
propagation. Seechain
propyl cation 39
propylene 200
prosthetic group 221
protactinium 122
protease 37, 119
338 Index