awards, including being knighted in 1969. He died of
heart failure in Ireland on August 12, 1979.
chain reaction A reaction in which one or more
reactive reaction INTERMEDIATEs (frequently RADICALs)
are continuously regenerated, usually through a repeti-
tive cycle of elementary steps (the “propagation step”).
For example, in the chlorination of methane by a radi-
cal MECHANISM, continuously regenerated in the
chain propagation steps:
Cl.+ CH 4 →HCl + H 3 C.
H 3 C.+ Cl 2 →CH 3 Cl + Cl.
In chain polymerization reactions, reactive intermedi-
ates of the same types, generated in successive steps or
cycles of steps, differ in relative molecular mass, as in
RCH 2 C.HPh + H 2 CCHPh →RCH 2 CHPhCH 2 C.HPh
chain transfer The abstraction, by the RADICALend
of a growing chain polymer, of an atom from another
molecule. The growth of the polymer chain is thereby
terminated, but a new radical, capable of chain propa-
gation and polymerization, is simultaneously created.
For the example of alkene polymerization cited for a
CHAIN REACTION, the reaction
RCH 2 C.HPh + CCl 4 →RCH 2 CHClPh + Cl 3 C.
represents a chain transfer, with the radical Cl 3 C.
inducing further polymerization
H 2 CCHPh + Cl 3 C.→Cl 3 CCH 2 C.HPh
Cl 3 CCH 2 C.HPh + H 2 CCHPh →
Cl 3 CCH 2 CHPhCH 2 C.HPh
The phenomenon occurs also in other chain reac-
tions such as cationic polymerization.
chalcogen One of the elements in the same column
of the periodic table as oxygen.
channels Transport proteins that act as gates to con-
trol the movement of sodium and potassium ions
across the plasma membrane of a nerve cell.
chaperonin Member of the set of molecular chaper-
ones, located in different organelles of the cell and
involved either in transport of proteins through BIOMEM-
BRANEs by unfolding and refolding the proteins or in
assembling newly formed polypeptides.
charge density SeeELECTRON DENSITY.
charge population The net electric charge on a spec-
ified atom in a MOLECULAR ENTITY, as determined by
some prescribed definition.
charge-transfer complex An aggregate of two or
more molecules in which charge is transferred from a
donor to an acceptor.
charge-transfer transition An electronic transition in
which a large fraction of an electronic charge is trans-
ferred from one region of a molecular entity, called the
electron donor, to another, called the electron acceptor
(intramolecular charge-transfer), or from one molecular
entity to another (intermolecular charge-transfer).
charge-transfer transition 45
Chain reaction. Any reaction where one reaction leads to another
that leads to another, and so forth