The History of Christianity: From the Disciples to the Dawn of the Reformation

(Rick Simeone) #1
•    Augustine’s sermons and biblical commentaries brought both literal
and allegorical methods into creative harmony, while his tractate
On Christian Doctrine provided a framework for all subsequent
medieval interpretation of the Bible.

•    His City of God, begun in 413 in response to the Visigoth sacking of
Rome in 410 and the pagan charge that Christianity was responsible
for the fall of the empire, provided a political theology that had a
profound impact on medieval church and society. His vision of a
society on earth that sought to embody and foreshadow the “city of
God” in heaven was a vision that was distinctively Christian, owing
little or nothing to classical antecedents.

Brown, Augustine of Hippo.

Von Campenhausen (Hoffman, trans.), The Fathers of the Latin Church.

  1. How did the characteristic problems of Latin Christianity in the 4th and
    5 th centuries differ from controversies in the East?

  2. Discuss the distinctive political, literary, and theological contributions
    made respectively by the three doctors, Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine.

Suggested Reading

Questions to Consider

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