The Evolution of the Connected Car

(Rick Simeone) #1

Racing ahead with

autonomous cars and

digital innovation

Contributed by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

“Over the next five years, the connected

car could disrupt the entire automotive

ecosystem. Connected cars are the leading

edge of disruptive technology that’s

changing not only the automobile, but the

nature of the automotive industry.”

Carlo Gagliardi,
Partner and Co-Lead of the Digital Practise, PwC

The automotive industry will undergo fundamental change as
semi-autonomous driving emerges, followed by an eventual
shift to full autonomous driving. Auto makers will take on a
new identity as providers of mobility services. This will open
the door to lucrative new digital revenue streams, especially
as they begin to explore opportunities in other digital areas
such as entertainment, commerce and monitoring a driver’s
health and fatigue level.

We foresee annual sales of connected car technologies
tripling to €122.6 billion by 2021. This is a slight slowdown in
adoption speed compared to earlier estimates, attributable
to the decision by European regulators to give OEMs an
extension to 2018 to install automatic emergency calling
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