Chapter 14 : Analysis of Perfect Frames (Graphical Method) 289
Analysis of
Perfect Frames
(Graphical Method)
- Introduction.
- Construction of Space
Diagram. - Construction of Vector
Diagram. - Force Table.
- Magnitude of Force.
- Nature of Force.
- Cantilever Trusses.
- Structures with One End
Hinged (or Pin-jointed) and
the Other Freely Supported
on Rollers and Carrying
Horizontal Loads. - Structures with One End
Hinged (or Pin-jointed) and
the Other Freely Supported
on Rollers and Carrying
Inclined Loads. - Frames with Both Ends
Fixed. - Method of Substitution.
In the previous chapter, we have discussed the
analytical methods for determining the forces in perfect
frames. We have seen that the method of joints involves
a long process, whereas the method of sections is a
tedious one. Moreover, there is a possibility of
committing some mathematical mistake, while finding
out the forces in the various members of truss. The
graphical method, for determining the forces in the
members of a perfect frame, is a simple and
comparatively fool-proof method. The graphical
solution of a frame is done in the following steps:
- Construction of space diagram,
- Construction of vector diagram and
- Preparation of the table.