Engineering Mechanics

(Joyce) #1

Chapter 27 : Collision of Elastic Bodies „„„„„ 569


Fig. 27.6.
Consider a body having an indirect impact on a fixed plane as shown in Fig. 27.6.
Let u = Initial velocity of the body,
v = Final velocity of the body,
α = Angle, which the initial velocity of the body makes with the line of impact,
θ = Angle which the final velocity of the body makes with the line
of impact, and
e = Coefficient of restitution.
A little consideration will show, that the component of u, along the line of impact will cause the
direct ‘impact’ of the body with the fixed plane. The other component of u (i.e. along the perpendicu-
lar to the line of impact) will not affect the phenomenon of impact and will be equal to the other
component of v (i.e., along the perpendicular to the line of impact).

We know that velocity of approach
= u cos α

and velocity of separation = v cos θ

The Newton’s Law of Collision of Elastic Bodies also holds good for this impact i.e.,
v cos θ = eu cos α
Notes : 1. In this impact also, we do not apply the principle of momentum (i.e. equating the
initial momentum and the final momentum) since the fixed plane has infinite mass.

  1. The components of initial and final velocities at right angles to the line of impact are same i.e.
    u sin α = v sin θ
    Example 27.11. A ball, moving with a velocity of 4 m/s, impinges on a fixed plane at an
    angle of 30°. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.5, find,
    (a) direction of the body after impact, and
    (b) velocity of the body after impact.

Solution. Given : Initial velocity of the body (u) = 4 m/s ; Angle, which the initial velocity of
the body makes with the line of impact (α) = 90° – 30° = 60° and coefficient of restitution (e) =

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