Engineering Mechanics

(Joyce) #1

Chapter 31 : Kinetics of Motion of Rotation „„„„„ 649

Example 31.17. A solid uniformly thick wheel of radius 1 m and mass 40 kg is released
with no initial velocity at the top of an inclined plane, which makes an angle of 30° with the hori-
zontal. It rolls down without slipping. Determine (i) the minimum value of coefficient of friction, (ii)
the velocity of the centre of the wheel after it has travelled a distance 4 m down the inclined plane.

Solution. Given: Radius of the wheel (r) = 1 m; *Mass of the wheel (m) = 40 kg and inclina-
tion of plane (θ) = 30°

(i) Minimum value of coefficient of friction

We know that for a uniformly thick wheel,
k^2 = 0.5 r^2

and minimum value of coefficient of friction,

μ= 22 22


tan tan 30 0.5774

kr rr



(ii) Velocity of the centre of the wheel after it has travelled a distance of 4 m

Let v= Velocity of the centre of the wheel.
We know that acceleration of the wheel when it rolls down the plane,

a= 22 22 2


sin 9.8 sin 30 9.8 0.5
3.27 m/s
0.5 1.5

kr rr


and v^2 =u^2 + 2as = 0 + 2 × 3.27 × 4 = 26.16

v= 5.1 m/s Ans.


  1. A solid right circular roller of mass 15 kg is being pulled by another body of mass 15 kg
    along a horizontal plane as shown in Fig. 31.18.

Fig. 31.18.
Find the acceleration of the roller, assuming that there is no slipping of the roller and
string is inextensible. [Ans. 2.8 m/s^2 ]

  1. A solid sphere of mass (m) and radius (r) rolls down a plane inclined at an angle (θ) with
    the horizontal. Find the acceleration of the sphere. [Ans. 7 sin θ]

  2. A solid cylinder is placed on a plane inclined at 13° 18 with the horizontal and allowed
    to roll down without slipping and with its axis horizontal. Find the acceleration of the
    cylinder. [Ans. 1.5 m/s^2 ]

  3. Find the time taken by a solid cylinder of radius 600 mm and initially at rest to roll down
    a distance 19.2 m on a plane inclined at 30° with the horizontal. Take g = 9.81 m/s^2.
    [Ans. 3.5 s]

  • Superfluous data.

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