Engineering Mechanics

(Joyce) #1

Chapter 32 : Motion of Vehicles „„„„„ 651




  1. Introduction.

  2. Types of Motions of Vehicles.

  3. Motion of a Vehicle Along a
    Level Track when the
    Tractive Force Passes
    Through its Centre of

  4. Motion of a Vehicle Along a
    Level Track when the
    Tractive Force Passes
    Through a Point Other than
    its Centre of Gravity.

  5. Driving of a Vehicle.

  6. Braking of a Vehicle.

  7. Motion of Vehicles on an
    Inclined Plane.

Motion of



We have already discussed in the chapter on
Laws of Motion about the force, that causes motion of
rigid bodies in a straight line. Similarly, in the chapter
on Kinetics of Motion of Rotation, we have discussed
about the force, that causes the motion of rotation of
rigid bodies.
The principles of both these chapters are put
together to study the motion of vehicles. It may be noted
that the motion of wheels (which is governed by the
engine) forms a part of the kinetics of motion of
rotation. And the motion of the body forms a part of
the kinetics of motion.

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