Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 11 – Detecting Interference, Editing and Exploding the Assembly and Creating Multiple
Assembly Configurations
Section IV – Modeling Assemblies 11.1 Lesson Objectives

Figure 11. 1 – Checking
for Interference in the

Lesson 11 – Detecting Interference,

Editing and Exploding the

Assembly and Creating

Multiple Assembly


11.1 Lesson Objectives

After completing this Lesson, you will be able to:

 Check an assembly for interferences.
 Explain and use In-Context editing.
 Detect collisions.
 Explode SolidWorks assemblies.
 Animate the explosion or collapse of an assembly.
 Create multiple versions of an assembly.

11.2 Introduction

One benefit of solid modeling is that we can check for interference
between parts. It is cheaper and faster to fix interference problems in
the model than in real parts. Now, we will check the tire sub-assembly
for interferences.

11.3 Detecting Interferences..............................................................................

Step 84: On the Main Menu, select ToolsInterference to get the
menu in Figure 11.1. There should be no interferences detected as
shown in the figure.

Step 85: To correct interferences, you can edit the Part drawings or
edit In-Context. Any changes will be reflected in the assembly and in
the assembly drawing.

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