Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 12 – Creating Detail Drawings
Section V – Creating Engineering Drawings 12.4 Creating a Detail Drawing of the Deck

12.4 Creating a Detail Drawing of the Deck

Each part in your product must have a detail drawing. A detail drawing has all the information
needed to manufacture the part, including dimensions, the material, heat treatment and all other
relevant information. In addition, a detail drawing’s title block will have the part name and part
number, the name of the designer and other information that can help locate old drawings and
the people involved in their design.

Step 102: Open a new document and select the A-size drawing
template created in the previous

 Click InsertDrawing View
Model to get the dialog box in
Figure 12.7.
 Click Browse and locate your
SkateboardDeck.prt model
and click to select it.
 Click Open and the new
dialog box in Figure 12.8 will
 In Orientation, select the
Front view, drag the cursor to
the location you want and
release the mouse button.
 To move the Front view to a
new location, move your
cursor over the Front view,
click on the dashed lines and
 Click the Projected View icon
on the View Layout tab,
select the Front view and
drag to create and place
another view.

The title block tolerances are the default values and are included in the organization’s drafting
practices manual. They are based on industry practices and manufacturing capabilities. But the best
tolerance is one that insures that the product can be assembled easily and works as designed.

Figure 12. 7 – InsertDrawing
Property Manager

Figure 12. 8 – Insert Front
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