Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 12 – Creating Detail Drawings
Section V – Creating Engineering Drawings 12.6 Using the Spell Checker

12.6 Using the Spell Checker

To use the spell checker we must first verify that SolidWorks has access to a dictionary. If your
computer has Microsoft Office installed, this is a simple procedure.

Step 110: Click ToolsOptionsSystem OptionsFile Locations and select Spelling
Folders on the pull-down menu.

 Click Add.
 Browse to the location of the Microsoft spelling checkers in C:\Documents and
 Click to select Spelling Folders.
 Click OK.

Step 111: Click ToolsSpelling on the Main Menu.

 The spelling checker will report any typographical error in the drawing.

Sharing Drawings
Often, it is necessary to share drawings and other design information with co-workers, customers and
other stakeholders. Unfortunately, to open SolidWorks slddrw files we need the software. If you want
to share drawings and the recipient does not have SolidWorks, you can use the command Save As
and select PDF or JPEG format, Most personal computers will be able to open these formats. If the
recipient has AutoCAD software, you can save your files as DXF (Drawing Exchange File). Other file
formats that you can use are IGES, STEP and STL. All are available in some versions of SolidWorks.
Translators to most CAD formats, including ProE, CATIA, Rhino, etc., are also available.
If you save your drawings as detached drawings, the recipient does not need the solid models to open
the drawings. Finally, e-Drawings is a free application available at that you can use to
mark-up drawings.
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