Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 13 – Creating the Assembly Drawing with the BOM

Section V – Creating Engineering Drawings 13.1 Lesson Objectives

Lesson 13 – Creating the Assembly

Drawing with the BOM

13.1 Lesson Objectives

After completing this Lesson, you will be able to:

 Explain and create assembly drawings in SolidWorks.
 Explain and create the BOM.
 Explain the assembly drawing title block.
 Explain and use balloons in the assembly drawing.
 Explain and use the Balloon and AutoBalloon commands.

13.2 Introduction

The purpose of the assembly drawing is to provide the information needed to assemble the
product. The person or team assembling the product does not need the exact dimensions of a
part or the material. The exploded assembly shows the sequence in which the components are
added to the assembly.

A bill of materials (BOM) is a list of all the parts and commercial components in the assembly.
Often it is included in the assembly drawing, but for large assemblies it is more convenient if the
BOM is on a separate sheet. In practice, the person assembling the product will verify that all
the parts are available by comparing the bill of materials with the parts available. Typically they
do this before the process of assembly begins.

In this Lesson we will create an assembly drawing for the wheel and tire assembly.

13.3 Creating the Assembly Drawing

The assembly drawing will use the ANSIinchLandscapeA template we created earlier.

Step 112: Open a new drawing document and select the template

 Use InsertComponentExisting Part/Assembly to add the wheel assembly.
 In Orientation, select the Isometric view.
 At the bottom of the properties menu, click More Options.
 Select Show in exploded state.
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