Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 2 – Customizing SolidWorks
Section I – Preliminaries Practice Exercises


Practice Exercises

  1. Click HelpSolidWorks Help on the Main Menu and study the section SolidWorks

  2. Change your desktop so that the CommandManager is not visible. Replace it with the
    Sketch and Features toolbars.

  3. After you rearrange your desktop as specified in Practice Exercise 1, delete duplicate
    icons. (Note: Do not delete icons in the CommandManager.)

  4. Add and then remove the command for a partial ellipse to the Sketch toolbar in the

  5. Create a part template for millimeter units. Set decimal places for length and for angles
    to zero. Select the ANSI standard. Call the template mmPart.prtdot.

  6. Use SolidWorks Help to learn about SolidWorks sketches. Write one or more
    paragraphs explaining how they are created and used.

  7. Use Help on the Main Menu to learn about the command
    ToolsCustomizeOptions. Write one or more paragraphs explaining how it is used.

  8. Use File Explorer to find the template that you created in Step 11.

  9. Parts, assemblies and drawings can be read and saved in a variety of standard formats
    that include IGES, STEP, VRML and STL. The files can be exchanged with other CAD
    programs. Some formats like PDF, TIFF and JPEG are available only when saving a
    screen picture. Save your deck file in PDF format.


  1. Search the Internet to find information about the following document formats supported
    by SolidWorks. Write a brief description of each one, including advantages,
    disadvantages and when you would use them.

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