Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 3 – Modeling the Skateboard Deck Using Extruded Boss/Base
Section II – Modeling Simple Parts 3.3 The Skateboard Deck

Step 18: Use the Mirror command to duplicate the two holes.

 Click the Mirror command in the Features toolbar. The dialog box is shown in
Figure 3.12. The features we want to duplicate are the CSK (countersunk) holes for flat
head machine screws. It should be visible in the Features to Mirror box. If CSK is in the
Features to Mirror dialog box, skip the next paragraph.
 Click the Features to Mirror box to make it red and notice the new location of the
FeatureManager design tree. It has moved to create space for the Mirror command
dialog box. Click on the (+) sign of the FeatureManager design tree to expand the
feature tree. This is a list of all the features created so far. Find and click on the CSK
feature. It should be the last line in the feature tree. This will add CSK to the Features to
Mirror dialog box.
 The other information that SolidWorks needs to mirror the holes is the mirror plane. Click
on the Mirror Face/Plane dialog box to make it red and then click Front Plane in the
FeatureManager design tree. SolidWorks will show a preview of the new holes.

Figure 3. 10 – Hole Locations
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