Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 5 – Modeling Miscellaneous Rubber Parts

Section II – Modeling Simple Parts 5.1 Lesson Objectives

Lesson 5 – Modeling Miscellaneous

Rubber Parts

5.1 Lesson Objectives

After completing this Lesson, you will be able to:

 Make changes to an existing solid model.
 Explain and use the Fillet command.
 Explain and use the Dome command.
 Explain how to toggle between a dome and a dome cavity.
 Explain and use the command Extruded Cut.
 Explain and use the Draft On/Off option in Extruded Cut.

5.2 Introduction

The truck assembly has two spacers. We will model the first by sketching two concentric circles
with the command Extruded Boss/Base.

To create the second spacer, we will edit the FeatureManager design tree to change the
thickness of the first spacer. It is not necessary to start a new solid model because SolidWorks
allows the modification of existing models. Remember to save the two models as separate files
called TopSpacer and BottomSpacer.

Finally, we will model the Truck Bumper using the command Dome. We will need two sketches
and two PSDF: Plane, Sketch, Dimension, Feature.

5.3 Modeling the Top Spacer

The top and bottom spacers have the same cross-sections, but different thicknesses.

Step 26: Open a new InchPart document.

 Select the Top plane.

Step 27: Sketch two circles with the inside and outside diameter shown in the detail drawing in
the Appendix.

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