Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 5 – Modeling Miscellaneous Rubber Parts
Section II – Modeling Simple Parts Practice Exercises


Practice Exercises

  1. Model the spacer using Revolve instead of Extruded Boss/Base.

  2. Create models of the parts in this Lesson using millimeters instead of inches. Use a
    mmPart template and use the dimensions in the detail drawing in the Appendix.


  1. How would you draw your bed with parts and assemblies? Make sketches of the bed
    assembly and of each of the parts and sub-assemblies. Explain why you chose to define
    each of the parts the way you did. Which SolidWorks planes you would choose to sketch
    each of the parts? How would you transform the sketches into solid models?

  2. Choose a typical consumer product and describe how you would divide it into parts and
    assemblies. Some examples of products include a bicycle, a tennis racket, an inline
    skate, a ball-point pen or a shoe. On which planes would you create each of the
    SolidWorks sketches? How would you transform those sketches into solid models?


Inside SolidWorks – 4 th Edition, by David Murray, Thomson Delmar Learning (2005).

SolidWorks Office Training Manual – Essentials, by SolidWorks Corporation (2005).

High Tech Hot Shots, Careers in Sports Engineering, by Celeste Baine, National Society of
Professional Engineers (2004).

Internet Resources

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