Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 8 – Modeling the Truck Base

Section III – Modeling Complex Parts 8. 1 Lesson Objectives

Lesson 8 – Modeling the Truck Base

8.1 Lesson Objectives

After completing this Lesson, you will be able to:

 Explain how to link dimensions.
 Explain how to use equations for dimensions.
 Find the dimensions that you need in the part drawing.
 Explain and use the command Mirror Entities.

8.2 Introduction

It is possible to link dimensions and also to use equations to define distances. In this chapter we
will learn both as we create the base of the skateboard truck.

8.3 Modeling the Truck Base

The truck base is a combination of
three features: the rectangular base,
a cylinder extrusion for the spacers
and a raised Pivot pocket with a
socket hole for the truck pivot. We
will first create the base, then the
cylinder extrusion and finally the
Pivot pocket.

Step 57: Create the rectangular

 Open a part document and
select the Inch template.
 Sketch a rectangle on the
Top Plane. See Figure 8.1.
 Use Extruded Boss/Base,
select Blind a thickness of
1/8 inch in the down direction
so the origin is on the top

Step 58: Add the top-right corner hole.

Figure 8. 1 – Sketch for Truck Base
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