Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 8 – Modeling the Truck Base
Section III – Modeling Complex Parts 8.3 Modeling the Truck Base

Step 71: Create a dome for the Pivot.

 Select the Front face of the
extrusion and sketch a
circle as shown in Figure
 Verify that the center of the
circle is in the center of the
base by making a vertical
relationship with the origin.
 Use Extruded Cut to a
depth of 0.16 inch.
 Select the surface at the
bottom of the Extruded Cut
as the sketch plane.
 Use the InsertFeatures
Dome command. The
distance is 0.4 inch.
 If necessary, toggle the Reverse Direction icon to create a cavity instead of a dome.

Figure 8. 12 – Extrusion of the Pivot Pocket

Figure 8. 13 – Sketch for the Dome
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