Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 9 – Importing Models from the Internet
Section III – Modeling Complex Parts 9.4 Importing from the Internet

 Select a bearing with 0.875 inch outside diameter and 0.25 inch inside diameter.
 Save the part for future use.

9.4 Importing from the Internet

Another source of models is the Internet. SolidWorks maintains a library of free models at The models are contributed by
manufacturers that hope to sell you the components that you download. You need to join to
download from this website, but there is no charge for joining or downloading models.

Step 77: Login to 3DContentCentral and select a Nylock self-locking nut. Follow the instructions
to download and save your model for future use.

9.5 Importing Standard Fasteners

Fasteners are available from either Toolbox or from the Internet on 3DContentCentral.

Figure 9. 2 – Toolbox Menu
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