Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Cardiac Markers for Diagnosis of Acute

Myocardial Infarction

Clinical Chemistry Review 102


Elevation after chest pain 4–6 hr 1–4 hr 4–10 hr

Duration of elevation 2–3 days 18–24 hr 4–10 days

Sensitivity/specificity Not entirely specific for AMI Sensitive but not specific High sensitivity & specificity

Methods Immunoassay Immunoassay Immunoassay

Comments Used to be “gold standard.” Negative predictive marker. If not Considered definitive marker for AMI
Use declining because of ↑within 8 hr of chest pain,
newer tests AMI ruled out

Testing recommendations Use 2 biomarkers—1 that is ↑within 6 hr (CK-MB or myoglobin) & 1 with high sensitivity & specificity that
is ↑within 6–9 hr & remains elevated for several days (troponin). Draw blood at admission, at 6–9 hr, & at
12–24 hr, if previous results were not ↑
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