Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Arterial Blood Gases Terminology Clinical Chemistry Review 124


Hypoxemia Low O 2 content in arterial blood

Hypoxia Lack of O 2 at cellular level

Partial pressure Barometric pressure × % gas concentration

PCO 2 Partial pressure of CO 2 expressed in mm of Hg. Directly related to amount of dissolved CO 2. Measure
of respiratory component (inversely proportional to respiration)

PO 2 Partial pressure of O 2. Assesses pulmonary function

Oxygen dissociation curve Graph showing relationship between oxygen saturation & PO 2. Provides information about
hemoglobin’s affinity for O 2

2,3-Diphosphoglycerate Phosphate compound in RBCs that affects O 2 dissociation curve. Low levels inhibit release of O 2 to
(2,3-DPG) tissues

Oxygen saturation Amount of O 2 that iscombined with hemoglobin, expressed as % of amount of O 2 that can be
combined with hemoglobin. 1 g of hemoglobin can combine with 1.34 mL of O 2

P 50 Partial pressure of O 2 at which hemoglobin oxygen saturation is 50%. Low value = ↑oxygen
affinity (shift to the left in O 2 dissociation curve). High value = ↓oxygen affinity (shift to right)
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